"Uhm...I'm sorry...who are you?"
??:"oh...hy my name's Byun Baekhyun..."
"...ugh...want to come in?"
He nods slightly and I move over for him to walk in,locking the doors again
"So...um...how do you know about...that"
Baek:"well...I was walking to my house that's at the end of the neighborhood and I heard gun shots.I hid behind a tree and saw how a girl was being chases and yelled at...I saw how she rang the doorbell but then ducked...the people weren't in the alley anymore and I saw how you looked at her so I though you two must be friends...when the coast was clear I decided to check if you two were okay"
Irene:"thank you,but no...I'm fine"
Baek:"well,you know the meaning of the word 'fine' is well known...so tell me...why did those men chase you?"
Irene:"well...they're my ex-boyfriend's gang...they saw me walking back from the store and that's when the shooting started...she's my best friend and since I ran to this neighborhood I thought of her..."
Baek:"why don't you report him?"
"I've been asking her that for the past year but it's her choice...if she feels like she needs to report him,she will...but for now...I think we should all trust her decision"
Baek:"okay...well...I should go home now...Uhm...if anything happens you can call me?"
He's nice...
Baek:"here's my personal number and my home number..."
"Thank you sir"
Baek:"oh please,don't call me sir...I'm 27"
Irene:"thank you for your care"
Baek:"no problem girls...now I really should get going"
"Thank you again"
He smiles again then we stand up and walk to the door
Baek:"take care"
"See you around"
He nods then walks out of my apartment

Irene:"he seems nice"
Irene:"can I sleep here?"
"Of course you can"
Irene:"just let me borrow some clothes"
"Not even a question"
We both giggle and Irene went to get ready
I set up the bed in my room for both of us and by the time i was done,she walked out wearing my pink pyjamas

"Irene:"can I sleep here?""Of course you can"Irene:"just let me borrow some clothes""Not even a question"We both giggle and Irene went to get readyI set up the bed in my room for both of us and by the time i was done,she walked out wearing my pink...

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Irene:"these are so cute"
"You can keep them"
I give her a smile

Irene:"okay so I'm tired as hell so,can we go to sleep?"
"That was my plan"

And as we both settle in the sheets and pillows we drift off to dream land


"Mom?Mom are you okay?"
I was on a road full of cars and my mother was in a crashed car...
"M-mom?...N-no please"
This can't be


rene:"Y/N!!wake up it's 6:30!!"
My eyes open and I saw Irene was still sleepy but my alarm probably woke her up
What was that dream??

I take a shower since I never take showers in the evening and put on my clothes for today

I take a shower since I never take showers in the evening and put on my clothes for today

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Irene:"what can I wear?"
"Why are you asking?You can wear anything you want"
Irene:"ah okay"

She was looking threw my wardrobe for some time
Irene:"Y/N!!omg let's match today!!!"
"Uhm...I don't think I have something that matches my outf-"
She shows me the clothes and honestly...not bad

(Irene-blue,Y/N-pink)Irene:"we look so cute!!"I nod and smile

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Irene:"we look so cute!!"
I nod and smile

We both walk downstairs to the kitchen and saw food already
Beside it was a note
I saw another pair of shoes so I'm pretty sure it's Irene...I made you both some breakfast so eat up mu babies and have good school day

We ate the food then started to put on our coats and shoes
Irene:"and watch out for the new kids..."
"Irene.You already told me that...I'll be careful don't worry okay?"
She just nods at me and smiles

~3rd person p.o.v.~
Haechan woke up at 7:15 and put on his black ripped jeans and white t-shirt
He ran his fingers threw his hair,fixing it a slight bit then grabbed his bag and jacket,calling one of his friends

Hyuck:"hey Jeno?You got space for me in your car?"
Jeno:"of course dude...but you know fhe drill"
Hyuck:"I sat at the back cuz we picking up Jaemin,yeah I know"
Jeno:"I'll be in front in 1"
Hyuck:"okay see ya"
He hangs up and just like the called male said,he was there a minute after the call
Haechan hops in and the two males do their morning handshake

They drive further for about 3 minutes and they stop,picking up the driver's boyfriend
Jaemin:"good morning babe"they kiss
Hyuck:"sup dude"
Jaemin:"oh hey Hyuck"
They do their handshake as well and they drive off to school

And as they park in the car area and walk out of the car they were greeted by the Chinese friends
Yang:"ni hao bitches"
Yang:"I got so drunk last night,I think I have a girlfriend now"
Renjun:"probably gonna end today"
The male just shrugs his shoulders and they all start walking to their lockers

Haechan was waiting for his locker neighbor so he could try and ask her to hang out
But she wasn't seen
What also seemed weird to him was that no one was in the halls...wait
Renjun:"man,we're late again"he runs to his friend
Hyuck:"let's just wait for the others"
And when the others did come they calmly walked to class

Teacher:"excuse me misters...you're late"
Hyuck:"we know"he lazily replies and they walk to their seats
But when he was walking to his seat he went past his girl
He smirks to her and she sees it,ignoring him after
His smirk grows even wider as he sees progress

Renjun:"what's the smirk for?"
Hyuck:"my plan's gonna work,100%"

I know it will

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