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Baek:"get back here you coward!!"
And he ran further into the playground.

Yes.After they got to Haechan and Baekhyun's house,they ate and changed their clothes,putting on more layers.They came to the decision to go to the park.

When they got there,Baekhyun suddenly yelled 'you're it' but regretted it after he tagged Jeno...that man was faster than a cheetah
He instanly catched Yangyang and his long legs ran after Renjun...he didn't know who to catch so he just ran around...he saw Irene and he wanted to tag her but he pushed her to hard,Baekhyun just ran past them...Irene was pushed right into Baekhyun and they both fell hard...
He's now being chased by both of the fallen and is scared as hell

Hyuck:"he's gonna die"
And they all just nod laughing

After some time Renjun gave up and tried catching his breath when he felt a strong kick to his butt making him fall to the ground
They all just watch in enjoyance and laughter while the two were beating him up
Yang:"ok,that's enough guys...we still want the man around"
Irene:"says you"
Renjun:"why do you hate me?!"he tried to shout between the kicks
Irene:"cuz you're stupid"and she continued to kick him
Hyuck:"okay guys that's enough"
"Okay okay that's enough"
They both say at the same time
And everyone laughs at that as well

Baek:"let me take a picture of you guys in the jungle gym..."
All:"hell yeah!!"
We all run to our spots

-YangYang was sitting on the very top under the roof,sticking his head out of the open space-Renjun was sitting in the baby swing(he's smol don't @ me on this)-Irene was on the other swing-Jaemin hid in the tube,his head poping out-Jeno was on the...

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-YangYang was sitting on the very top under the roof,sticking his head out of the open space
-Renjun was sitting in the baby swing(he's smol don't @ me on this)
-Irene was on the other swing
-Jaemin hid in the tube,his head poping out
-Jeno was on the slide,ready to slide down
-Haechan was above the tube laying on his stomach
-Y/N was next to the cude,climbing up the green ladder

Baek:"okay go to your places,pose,3,2,1!!"
They all hurried to do their poses and Jeno quickly slided down when he heard two,all of them smiling to the camera

Baek:"awesome!!It's a nice pic guys!"
Hyuck:"you sure we all look good?"
Baek:"hell yeah!!"
They all get down from the gym and run towards  him
Jaemin:"omg we look amazing!!"
Yang:"we need to upload this pic to Instagram"
Renjun:"everyone needs to see us being this fabulous"
Irene:"well,I don't like myself in this pic"
"Shut the fuck up you look gorgeous"
Hyuck:"I'm gonna be the first to upload it!!"
And they all get a notification saying someone sent us a picture
"Omg yes!!!"

Their captions were all the same:

Forever young

And then tagged eachother,even Baekhyun

Baek:"let's order pizza then go home...we can put on our PJs then the pizza will come and we'll watch a movie?"
They all just laugh and proceed to call the pizza delivery


Delivery:"have a good night"
"Thank you...good night"

She closes the door,waits just a little then...
Everyone comes running down the stairs dressed in their pajamas
They run to the living room and then on the TV,looking for things to watch

   Yang      Jeno     Jaemin   
            |                               (the couch and seating arrangement)
Hyuck   Y/N

Jeno:"STEP UP!!"
"PART 2!!!"
Baek:"okay so we're watching Step up 2?"
He just chuckles at the teenagers behavior but continues on with searchinh for the movie and setting the volume a bit louder...

And as the movie proceeded,there were less and less pieces of pizza...
Each area of the couch had a box and since Y/N and Haechan were sitting together they ate together as well
But there was only one piece left...
And without mercy,Haechan took the piece and started eating it,leaving Y/N dumbfounded
"I wantes that"
Hyuck:"too bad"
"Bitch give me that"she leans forward trying to grab the pizza slice but she accidentally slapped his balls
He dropped the pizza slice and winced in pain and anger...but mostly pain....
Hyuck:"you didn't have to go that far"
"For pizza?This is nothing"and she bites the slice
But Haechan wasn't happy about it,so he swiftly grabbed the slice and took a bite again
He just gives her a childish grin and takes another bite
The female gave up and continued watching the movie
But she sensed something next to her and she slowly turnes her head to be faced with a pizza slice
Hyuck:"we can share this one"
And she gladly took a bite

Somewhere in between the movie,Haechan and Y/N started going very close...not mentally but physically....he was sitting,facing the Nomin couple but still watching the film...he decided to scoot over just a little closer to the female and when she saw that her cheeks startes flushing a slight red.But she did the same.She moved a little closer and they just kept on going until her head was on his shoulder and his arm was around her shoulder.Everyone was lookimg at them but they were in their own worlds thinking about who knows what.

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