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Hyuck:"HEY NERD!!"
He yells across the whole school once he notices his classmate walking up the stairs

Yet it wasn't Y/N,it was her best friend
She turns around and tries to find the person who screamed and when she did she just smirked and stopped to wait for him
Irene:"you need any help?"
Hyuck:"can you tell me some things about your other nerd friend?"
Irene:"you mean Y/N?"
Hyuck:"well yeah,who else"
Irene:"and why would I tell YOU about my best friend?"
Hyuck:"ooh.A feisty one.Renjun picked a good one"
Irene:"Excuse me?No one can pick me,I can pick by myself,thank you very much"
Hyuck:"I'll tell him"he smirks
Irene:"and for your information,Y/N's just a nice girl and she's not interested in anyone and I'm 100% sure she wouldn't fall for someone who's breath smeels like they smoked 3 packs of cigarettes in one go"she spats then turns around but he grabbed her wrist
Hyuck:"You just wait and see"he smirks at her then lets go of her wrist

Yang:"What do you want from her?Isn't she a nerd?"
Haechan turns around and faces his friend

Yang:"What do you want from her?Isn't she a nerd?"Haechan turns around and faces his friend

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Hyuck:"she's my key to the other one"
Yang:"Why do you want the other nerd...she's even nerdier"
Hyuck:"Yang...bro...that's not a word...I think"
Yang:"yeah,your grades can tell me that"
Hyuck:"fuck off"
Yang:"gladly...I'm meeting my brother and his friends and we're going drinking"
Hyuck:"school's tomorrow...don't think I'll drive you cuz my dad took my car since he caught me selling some crack to a homeless dude"
Yang:"sucks to be you man...my mom's gonna drive me tomorrow"
Hyuck:"ok then"

And with that YangYang walks away,going towards the directon of the parking lot where his brother's best friend is

In the mean time Y/N was sitting in the cafeteria waiting for her best friend,who was thinking how to tell her to stay away from Haechan

"What took you so long??"
Irene:"Y/N...whatever you do,don't let that new kid Haechan fool you...he's bad news"
Hyuck:"talking about me?"
The girls turn around and see 4 of her classmates
Hyuck:"can we sit next to you guys?"
Irene:"There's empty tables everywhere"
"Shut up Irene...yeah you can join"
Haechan smirks to Irene and sits next to Y/N

Renjun:"hello again"
Irene:"what do you want?"
Renjun:"well beside from your number,we should hang out"
Irene:"not gonna happen.And can uou two stop making out in front of us while we're eating?"she gives the Nomin couple a disgusted look
Hyuck:"get used to it.They're always making out"
"It's cute"
Irene:"oh my pure baby...that's not cute...they could end up fucking on the tables if they don't stop soon enough"
And the pure Y/N just shows a weird face
Hyuck:"did you never have boyfriend?"
Irene:"or girlfriend you hetero-"
Hyuck:"I had a boyfriend as well,shut the fuck up"

And the boy smirks to himself
Hyuck:"so that must mean you're virgin"
Irene:"we're done here...see you tomorrow"
She stands up and signals Y/N to go as well
Hyuck:"you can't tell her what to do Irene...she can make her own choices"
The said woman just glares at him
Irene:"let's go Y/N"

Jeno:"Hyuck you should watch out for the second girl,she seems dangerous"
Hyuck:"don't worry Nojam...I've got this"
Jaemin:"sure you do"
Hyuck:"oh suck a dick"
Jaemin:"gladly"he kisses Jeno again
Renjun:"It's the first day of school yet the only thing you two learned was how to make out in silence"
Jeno:"it's convenient"
Hyuck:"he ain't wrong"
Renjun:"even if you did get caught would it change anything?"
Jaemin:"probably not"
Renjun:"exactly so stop being disgusting in front of my future wife and her bestie"
Jaemin:"uuu Renjun's got a crush~~"
Renjun:"No I don't....I just know we're meant for eachother"
Hyuck:"confident much"
Renjun:"shut the fuck up...why do you need the nerd anyway?"
Hyuck:"she's so pure and nice...she probably doesn't know what a boner is yet...so I'm just thinking of......helping her"and yet again he smirks
Renjun:"look man I love you but like don't drug her...we all know what happened the first time you took MDMA...It didn't go well"
Hyuck:"I'm not drugging her....yet...she needs baby steps...and you guys are gonna help me"
Jaemin:"and what the hell would we do?"
Hyuck:"well we all know for YangYang...he's gonna get her drunk in no time since he's an alcoholic... Jeno...you can go to the store with her...make sure she doesn't bring any money then show her the fun way of shopping...Renjun,you can beat someone up in front of her and Jaemin,you can skip some classes with her...in the end she'll see the hard world and the last part is where I come up"
Renjun:"should we maybe get out of the cafeteria to talk about this?"
Hyuck:"I could use some fresh air"
That was their cigarette break code

In the mean time with Irene and Y/N

"Why can't we hang out with them?"
Irene:"Y/N they're bad news...you can't hang out with them"
"How do you know they're bad??"
Irene:"bcs they all smell like cigarettes...excep one...he smells like alcohol"
"Did you smell them?"
Irene:"Honey I know you've been sick for 3 days now...so when you get healthy again I'm 100% sure youre gonna smell the smoke"
"And what if I don't"
Irene:"then I'll get a B in Maths"
"Ouch...you're that confident?"
Irene:"I'm not the only one...there's loads of students who hate the smell of smoke and cigarettes and they were crunching their noses everytime the new kids were around"
"Ok so you can smell smoke...what if it's not them but their parents smoke?"
Irene:"my precious child...please listen to me"
"I always do....."she says quietly
Irene:"I'm just looking out for you"
"I know,I know"
Irene:"good...now let's get you home"
"Oh no...I have to go to the new medicine store that opened in the South of Seoul"
Irene:"do you want me to come with you?"
"You can come with me to the store so I won't starve out there but no you don't have to stay with me cuz the store opens at 8 PM"
The other girl nods and they head to the mini store near the school

Jeno:"so what you're saying is you want to change up the girl?"
Renjun:"but why man?You don't even like her,why do you want to do this?"
Hyuck:"cuz I feel like she needs to do this"
Renjun:"you're stupid"
Hyuck:"and so are you..."
Jaemin:"you two should get a tutor...if you fail this semester you won't look at your girlfriends from the back of the class but feom the other side of the city"
Hyuck:"why can't Jeno tutor us?"
Jeno:"cuz I already tried but you were high so you didn't remember anything bcs of your headache the next morning"
Hyuck:"good point...but I got new stuff that day!I had to try it out"
Renjun:"we need tutors man..."
Haechan's smirk grew even bigger as his plan was coming together faster than expected

Hyuck:"well fellas...I need to go to the new medicine store at the South of Seoul...free medicine is free drugs"
Renjun:"see you tomorrow"
Hyuck:"bye guys!!"

The 4 dudes go separate ways,except for the couple of course,and do what they always do...
Cause trouble

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