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Jaemin:"you should really stop doing that"
"Doing what exactly?"
Jaemin:"making Haechan fall for you"
And everything went silent

It was now 8 PM and they were all walking home dropping eachother off
Renjun:"It's a good thing we live close"
Jeno:"except for Irene"
Irene:"well yeah,I'm a block further than you"
Jaemin:"still close thoe"
Yang:"okay but can we all just go for a smoke real quick?"
Jeno:"didn't you stop?"
Yang:"I smoke every night,not day"he gives a 'duhh' face
Hyuck:"if it doesn't bother you two"he looks at the females....mainly Y/N...
"Uhm...I don't mind...I think"
Irene:"just keep the midget away from me and I'm fine"
Jeno:"they're girls...they're usually smaller idiot"
They walked behind a building into an alley way

Irene:"thank you again for protecting Y/N yesterday"
Yang:"well mostly Jeno did the work with a bit of help from Haechan and Renjun..."
Irene:"well whoever it was,thank you"

??:"o-ho ho ha ho..look who we have here"
We all turn around at the familiar voice and see him
Irene:"C-Ch-an-Chanyeol"she breathes out
Chanyeol:"hey there you bitch"
Jeno:"didn't I tell you to not touch her?"
Chanyeol:"and didn't I tell you I'm a gang leader?"
Jeno:"well you're not the only one"
Chanyeol:"I would love to meet this leader of yours...he has a nice member"
Hyuck:"get away from the girls or we're calling the cops"
Chanyeol:"and take me away for what?5 years?I can easily kill you all"he smirks
Jeno:"back off"
Chanyeol:"look little kid.You're scary,but I have more anger in me than fear...and that anger is caused by that woman right there and she's gonna die right here,right now"he glares directly at Irene
Chanyeol:"shut your mouth or you're next"and suddenly some men come towards them,standing behind Chanyeol
Hyuck:"not on our watch"he steps in front of the girl again today
Jaemin:"you might want to wait a bit cuz there's gonna be a big crowd"
And out of nowhere men are coming into the alley,more than on Chanyeol's side,that's for sure

Jeno:"sir.This man is threatening those girls who did nothing wrong."
??:"Ahh...Park Chanyeol.I've always wanted to meet a fellow leader...The name's Taeyong.Lee Taeyong"
The leader steps in front into the light making everyone gasp at his visual

Lee Taeyong"The leader steps in front into the light making everyone gasp at his visual

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Chanyeol:"you have a very loyal member in your gang...he's a keeper"
Taeyong:"please...I pick my members very precisely and the kind that are loyal"
Chanyeol:"well my gang has more than loyalty...we have strength"
A small man walks upfront

He was so small that Y/N started laughing??:"what are you laughing at?!!!!?!"He strikes towards the girl,but was pushed away by the person in front of herHyuck:"DON'T

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He was so small that Y/N started laughing
??:"what are you laughing at?!!!!?!"
He strikes towards the girl,but was pushed away by the person in front of her
Chanyeol:"little boy.You and your little girlfriend are just a distraction.You can leave now...all we need is that girl.Dead"
Chanyeol's men take out their guns and that causes Taeyong's men to do the same
Chanyeol:"ignore everyone and shoot the girl"
The demand made the girl shake like crazy
She was in tears and nothing at this point could help her.
Or so she thought.
The sudden feeling of arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her to his chest,she felt safer

Chanyeol:"already moved to another boy did you?"
Chanyeol:"oooh..the small one speaks...what about that kid?Does he have a tounge?"he points at YangYang
Yang:"I won't mind going to jail for my entire life if you were the person I killed"he spat
Chanyeol:"so he does.Any new surprises?"
All was quiet

Hyuck:"you should just leave the girls alone and go to your dark houses and kill some animals if that's what you want to do...but the girls are safer than they could be.Now scram"
??:"Lee Donghyuck?!??!!??!!"
The sudden voice causes everyone to look at the direction it came from
Hyuck:"Baekhyun hyung?"

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