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The whole class I couldn't focus.I just kept thinking if I like Haechan...
He's not that bad right?

*ringggg*the final school bell rings,causing me to come back to reality
Hyuck:"you ready to go?"he looks down to me smiling
I just nod and blush.
Why do I keep on blushing for fucks sake?This needs to stop.

Hyuck:"so I was thinking,since tomorrow is Friday,we should go steal some stuff so we can enjoy it better...we could go to the old house"
"Yeah sure"
Hyuck:"c'mon the guys are waiting"
I get up and walk out the classroom with him,meeting the others
Jeno:"you two ready to go?"
Renjun:"you can go by yourself now,right?"he smirks
"Wait,you guys already know?"
Yang:"of course we do...you were so out of it in class,he already told us"
"Oh...okay then"

We were all walking and chatting untill we arrived in front of the store
Jeno:"you want me to help you?"
"I've got this"and I smirk
Hyuck:"you know where we are"
"What do you want?"
Renjun:"I'm not actually hungry...just something sour"
Hyuck:"get me some energy drinks..."
Jeno:"yeah same for me"
"I'll just get energy drinks and juices and one pack of chips"
Jeno:"ok,try to hurry...and don't get caught"
"Are you doubting me?"
Hyuck:"no.You're ready...now go"
So they all start walking away and I walk inside the store.

I open my bag and take out the stickers Jeno gave me...I'll need to buy these myself soon...

I walk towards the fridge and look for the juices
??:"oh hey!"
I hear a familiar voice...so I turn towards the direction where it came from and my heart started beating fast?...what is this?
Xiaojun:"Y/N?Am I right?"
"Uhh...yes...what are you doing here?"
Xiaojun:"well I think I'm buying stuff..."
Why is this so awkward
Xiaojun:"hey umm...do you have time this weekend?"
...shit...I don't
"Uhm im so sorry but I'm already booked tge whole weekend"
His gaze suddenly became scary...what's going on?
Xiaojun:"is it that Haechan dude Jeno always talks about?"
"Excuse me?How do you know Jeno?"
Xiaojun:"well...I don't think you saw me yesterday,did you?I'm in Taeyong's gang"he says whispering
"Yes...but it's not just him,it's all the guys from yesterday"
Xiaojun:"you were gonna steal,weren't you?"
"Excuse me?"
Xiaojun:"I know his tricks...Jeno told our boss"
"Why would Jeno tell his boss?"
Xiaojun:"He needs to tell him everything about Haechan...why do you think he's always around you?"
"Bcs he's Haechan's best friend!!?"
Xiaojun:"ohh sweety...you should ask Jeno about him...I think you wouldn't exactly want to be near him anymore,but at least you'll know the truth"
"What do you mean?And why are you telling me this?!You should keep quiet about the stuff that happens in your gang"
Xiaojun:"I did you favor...now take what you need and I'll pay for you"
"You don't need to do that"
I said while closing my bag
Xiaojun:"what do you mean?"
I put the bag over my back,feeling it heavier
"Cuz I already got what I need"i smirk then run out of the store

What was he talking about?What does he mean by ask Jeno about him?That he's been sticking to Haechan for information to tell his boss?
I ran fast towards the old warehouse and made some turns to arrive at out spot...I see Haechan and Jeno laughing and it made me twitch...
If Jeno's really faking all of this then he's hella good.

"Hey guys!!"
They turn to me and smile
Irene:"you took forever!!"
"I met someone on the way"
Irene:"oh really??!Who?"
"A guy from the drug store"i look at Jeno and I could sense him tense up
Hyuck:"is it the one who you were talking with?"
I just nod
Hyuck:"don't talk to him...he's bad news"
Jeno:"how do you know."
Hyuck:"I have a bad feeling about him,that's all"
Renjun:"oh shut up,let's watch a movie!"
We all sit on the couches like last time,me sitting next to Haechan.


Yang:"tomorrow after school,we go steal some things then go to your house?"
Hyuck:"oh!I'll bring your clothes to you tomorrow"
"Oh right...thanks"
Hyuck:"and you can keep what you're wearing"
He just smiles and looks away.

Jeno:"see you guys tomorrow"
Renjun:"yeah bye!"
We all parted ways and went to our homes.

What was Xiaojun talking about?And why did Jeno stiffen that moment?And how does Hyuck have a bad feeling about him?
So many questions ran threw my head while I was taking off my clothes and going in the shower...
I need to forget this right now and focus on sleeping

But I can't

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