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Hyuck:"Y/N you need to watch yourself bcs we won't always be with you"
It was silent and the atmosphere was weird
"How did Jeno know about Jaemin?"
Hyuck:"cuz he's smart as hell...his grades are straight A's yet he's in a gang,smokes,drinks and breaks loads of rules...all of those and he wouldn't figure he's cheating?"
The female just nods understanding
"Why would he cheat if he loves him?"
Hyuck:"...it's just that Jaemin has always been a playboy....but when he met Jemo it al changed...he can't really help it thoe,he got it from his dad and he flirts with everyone..."
"But still...."
Hyuck:"you can see they both love eachother so much and Jaemin was so regretful when he heard Jeno tell him what happened,knowing it was true"

"Can you tell me what you guys do?"
The male smirks then answers back
Hyuck:"what's in it for me?"
The female becomes silent
"W-what do you want in exchange?"
Hyuck:"you need to steal something...."
Hyuck:"exactly baby girl....you need some practice"
The female just blushes deeply at the nickname...good thinh it's dark
Hyuck:"and I know just the person"he smirks yet again
The girl shivers at his smirk that looks meaner than usual
She wanted to ask him about the hug earlier...why did he do it and hold on for so long?Why is he back to being a douche in a span of 10 minutes
"Why are you like this?"
The male stops as his eye twitches
"Why do you want me to change?What's in it for me?"
He looks deep into her eyes,sending shivers down her spine....AGAIN
Hyuck:"what I do and how I do it is none of anyone's business...why would you be an exception?"
"Why were you hugging me earlier and why didn't you let go?"she threw at him,making him stumble in his head...
She's right
Hyuck:"I protect people...I don't want anyone getting hurt and you're too vulnerable...so I just held you until you weren't shaking anymore"he quickly makes up
To be honest he doesn't even know why he did it and he's so confused...
"I'm smart too you know...I'm growing onto you"she smirks playfully
Hyuck:"you wish nerd"
"Who said I'm a nerd...learn the definition,then use it on me"she sends him a pretty mean look,catching the male off guard
"So....where do you live?"
Hyuck:"why would I tell you where I live?So you can stalk me?"
"You're literally walking me to my place...it would only be fair you know"
The male just chuckles
Hyuck:"fine...I live on this street,number XXXX"
The female gets surprised by his answer
"I-I live down this street as well...number XXX"
Hyuck:"that means we're really close"he was shocked as well
"We can go to school together sometime,right?
Hyuck:"well I drive to school...but my dad tok my car cuz he saw me selling some drugs...So untill I get my car back,Jeno drives me...I think there can be space for you as well in the car,right?"
Y/N just shrugs her shoulders and pouts slightly
Cute the male thought
No wait what...he let go of the thoughts and proceeded on talking to her...
Hyuck:"you said you never see your mom?"
"No...she's always at work...she works from 5 AM to 12 PM then has a break...then she need to go back at 2 PM and her shift originally ends at 10 PM but she has to clean her office and set her files which usually takes about an hour...she then drives home for about half an hour and then it's the same thing...for the weekend she's never home...On Friday she leaves at 1 PM with her medical needs and clothes and goes to someone's house for the three days..."she was sad talking about it and it bothered Haechan
Hyuck:"so you're always alone?"
"Exactly...today was like my first time out in ages...."
Hyuck:"don't you and Irene ever go out?"
"...no...Irene's scared Chanyeol is gonna find her and kill her and she doesn't go out at all...and since I have no friends,I don't have anyone to hang out with me"
Hyuck:"well you have us now"he smiles to her,making her heart flutter
Stop beating so fast you damn heart
Hyuck:"and what we do is not bcs we have to,it's bcs we want to...stealing is super fun and convenient...it's not so bad...same for drinking and drugs"
"Is that all you guys do?"she tries again
Hyuck:"I told you...once you steal something,I'll trust you enough and tell you"he smirks to her

Quiet again...
She says out of nowhere,scaring the male just slightly
He looks at her confused again
"I'll do it..."
Hyuck:"do what?"he smirks slightly
"You sure do like to tease people huh?...and smirk,jezz stop that,it's creepy"
Hyuck:"when I'm pleased,I smirk"
"Why are you pleased at my response"
Hyuck:"cuz you're changing already and everyone can see it"

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