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Hyuck:"Baekhyun hyung?"
The man comes running into the alley but stopped when he saw so many people
Baek:"WHAT IS THIS?!!"
The two females look at eachother at the sight of the familiar man.
Hyuck:"hyung,You should go home"
Baek:"why?You're the one who should be home...wait...aren't you the girl who was running last time?"
Irene just nods to him
Baek:"ok can someone explain to me,what the hell is going on?"
Hyuck:"hyung,I'll explain when I come home"
Baek:"who are all these people?If they're threatening you,I know hapkido and I'm not a coward"
Chanyeol:"you can join us with those skills...if you're up for the challenge"
The small man looks at the giant
They were silent and were looking into eachothers eyes...everyone else was awkward
Baek:"no thank you"he looks away red in the face
Hyuck:"hyung,please...go home"
Baek:"you're coming with me"
Hyuck:"hyung.please...I can't"
"Baekhyun oppa,please...this is serious"
Baek:"why is there so many people here?And why can't you come with me?"
??:"can you just leave us...we have business here"
Baek:"I don't listen to people who are shorter than me"
And the small man ran towards Baekhyun
He blocks the punch and grabs his wrist
Baek:"I told you to explain to me...I can end this little man right now"
Chanyeol:"no offense,but you look like an angry puppy...please leave the guy alone"
Baekhyun let's go off the small guy's fist and pushed him towards Chanyeol's direction
Irene:"Remember when I was running away that night?"
Baek:"so is he your ex?"
Irene just nods
Baek:"leave the girl alone.If she did anything she probably did for a reason"
Chanyeol:"why does everyone say that"
Baek:"well I'm the one you're going to listen to"he walks towards Chanyeol's direction and looks up to him when he's finally in front of him
Chanyeol smirks
Chanyeol:"you're very interesting...You should go get dinner with me sometimes"he winks to him and Baekhyun blushes
Baekhyun:"only if you leave the girl alone"
Chanyeol looks up to the sky,probably thinking
Chanyeol:"fine.but only bcs you said so"
Baekhyun blushes even more so he moved back
Baek:"kids.Go home"
Taeyong:"thank you for your help,but you can't say anything about this"
Baek:"don't worry...I won't buzz"
Taeyong:"can we trust you?"
Baek:"of course you can...I'm a man of my words"
Taeyong:"if you don't keep your word we'll track you down"
Baek:"yes I understand"
Taeyong:"good...and it was nice to meet you"he gives him a smile then he disappears with his gang
Chanyeol:"can you give me your number?"
Baekhyun walks over to him and unlocks his phone so Chanyeol can type in his number
Baek:"I'll text you when I'm free"
Chanyeol:"but what if I'm not?"
Baek:"you'll be free for that day"he gives him a playful smirk and everyone just watches the fierce and scary gang leader get flustered

Chanyeol:"goodbye everyone"
And so he walks away with his gang as well

Jaemin:"well that was interesting"
Hyuck:"hyung you saved Irene's ass for good"
Baek:"language young man"
"So...you're his cousin?"
Baek:"how do you two know eachother?"
Hyuck:"we're classmates"
Y/N's heart stung a bit...just classmates?Is that how he introduced her?Ouch
Baek:"oh...just classmates?"he looks over to the girls
Hyuck:"we're good friends"
Y/N felt a bit better...that's good...
Baek:"I'll take you guys home..."
"It's fine Oppa...we all live close"
Baek:"well you all have some explaining to do,so what if you all come to our house for the night?"
Jeno:"oh hell yeah!I'm down!"
Renjun:"in the same house as Baekhyun hyung?HELL YEAH!!"
Jaemin:"omg yes"
"Uhm...okay...but I need to get my clothes"
Hyuck:"you can wear the same skirt and one of my sweaters"
And the girl blushes
Everyone looks at Haechan in a mockingly way
Renjun:"isn't that what couples do?"
The male just ignores the question
Hyuck:"or you could take my mom's clothes?"
Irene:"well if Y/N's going,I'm going...but I need clothes as well"
Renjun:"I have an extra hoddie"he smirks
Irene:"I'll take your mom's clothes as well please"
Everyone snickers at their interaction
Baek:"are they always pike this?"

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