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Hyuck:"are you sure you want to drink?"
"I am a little scared,but no...I want to"
Hyuck:"well good...you're growing up"
She nods proudly as she puts all her school stuff in her locker
Renjun:"so shall we go?"
They all nod and go to the cafe


As the 6 people were walking on the streets,all eyes were on them...
They were handsome as hell as well as the beautiful girl with glasses
Renjun:"so...how come you're so smart?"
"I have perfect memory"
Yang:"NO WAY!!"
"Yeah...So I never study bcs I don't have to"
Jaemin:"you can remember EVERYTHING??!!?"
The males were still so shocked at her ability
Hyuck:"that's like one of the rarest things ever and you were gifted with it??"
"Well yeah I guess..."
Jeno:"that's so cool"

While they were all walking to the cafe,the males kept on asking her questions about her ability but stopped once they saw a cafe maybe 500 meters away which made them smile

"That cafe looks new!"
Jaemin:"and it's so pretty!!Jeno-ah why haven't you taken me here yet??!"
Hyuck:"Jaemin...it opened yesterday"
Renjun:"and it has a discount for a week since it just opened!"
Jaemin: sorry babe"
Jeno:"it's fine,you didn't know"and like everyone expected,they kissed
Hyuck:"okay that's enough...y'all should really stop doing it so often"
Renjun:"it's not healthy and you should really go slower"
Jeno:"look,I get you guys are concerned but kissing is the only thing keeping me...you know what"
Hyuck:"wait?So that's why you stopped doing drugs?"
He just nods and Y/N just watches amazed
"So you did drugs?"
He nods again
Jeno:"I started even before Haechan...I'm kind of the reason he started as well"he looks down
Hyuck:"yoo man...it's fine!I'm still alive and healthy..."he gives him a cute gummy smile wuth the other male returning his not so much seen eye smile
"You guys should smile more often"
They look at her again
Yang:"we don't smile...the cigarettes and alcohol last long and we don't want to be kicked out again"
"Bcs of the smell?"
They nod
"But smiling is half of your health"
Jaemin:"I smile a lot..."
Jeno:"and you look beautiful doing it"they smile at eachother
Jaemin:"but you have the cutest smile ever so don't talk about mine"
Everyone was expecting them to kiss but they didn't ,shocking everyone
Hyuck:"improvement"he smirks


Renjun:"and she was like 'you said you would ! You didn't!' and I burst out laughing"
They were all drinking their watermelon smoothies and coffee while laughing at eachothers stories
"Why would she die if you didn't put away the stool?"she said laughing crazily

Yang:"I never though you would be so fun!"
"Why wouldn't I be?"she smirks,causing the person next to her smirk as well...you can guess once
Yang:"well..I though you were like a hardcore nerd always studying and talking about equations but I see you are nothing like that"
"Well don't judge a book by it's cover"she gives him a cocky smile
Hyuck:"at first I thought you were a biker girl bcs of your jacket the first day we came to school"
"That was my mother's jacket"she gives a small smile"that's the last thing she ever gave me...now I don't see her at all"
Renjun:"oh...sorry about that"
"It's fine"she gives a reassuring smile
Hyuck:"Jeno,can you come to the bathroom with me,please?"
Hyuck:"I don't want to go alone,I need some air"
Jeno nods,then they both stood up and went to the bathroom

In the bathroom,Haechan quickly turned to his best friend
Hyuck:"let's do it now"
Jeno:"do what?"
Hyuck:"your speciality"
Jeno:"ohh....well...you guys go and wait for me,here"he points to the window"and I'll jump out here"
Haechan smirks and nods
Hyuck:"be quick and don't get caught"
He nods

Haechan walks back to their table
Hyuck:"guys,Jeno just needs to use the toilet and he'll be right out...we can go"
"Who's gonna pay?"
Hyuck:"don't worry about that"
The males all knew what was going on..the plan is now starting and they aren't even sure if it'll work,but the one with the idea is,so they trust him
The female just nods,thinking Jeno's gonna pay after he comes out of the bathroom..but she was dead wrong

They all walk out and Haechan leads them towards the window at the back and they wait

A hard jump was heard,shocking the female while the others were used to it already
Jeno:"now let's go before they notice"
"Notice what?"
She takes her time to figure it out but then
Worker:"HEY YOU!GET BACK HERE!!"a worker starts runninh towards them,only shocking the female

Haechan grabs her hand and pulls her with him,running as fast as they can
They just ran and ran and finally got to a dark alley, out of the workers sight
Haechan was still holding her hand when they stopped and the female noticed,blushing
She looks down at their hands and she feels this funny feeling in her stomach...
The male now looks at the girl,he saw what she was looking at and quickly removed his hand from hers slightly blushing as well
Renjun:"okay,now that we ran away...where should we go now?"
??:"you guys will come with us"
Hearing the deep voice,they all turn around
When Y/N saw who it was she couldn't breathe properly....
This isn't good...

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