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Ouch...my eyes hurt from alm these handsome men...the last one to come is Irene...
I was surprised when she said she'll come as well...
And when she did....

And when she did

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"Who are you and what have you done to my best friend?"
Irene:"hun..you look like you did prostitution for five years while going to the gym at the same time...cuz damn,I never expected you to wear these kinds of things"she says a-matter-a-factly
"Well...we boty look hot,okay?"
She nods approving then walking into the kitchen,meeting the guys
Renjun's eyes grew wide at the sight of Irene and he mentally took a pic...
Yang:"let's get this party started!!"


~3rd person p.o.v.~
Empty bottles of alcohol were everywhere from the kitchen to all the bedrooms...how did they do it?
Loud music was banging inside the house,luckily the house is sound proof,them dancing crazily all over the house bcs of it.
Everyone already knew why they're here...to get Y/N drunk for the first time...crazy how a 17 year old still hasn't gotten drunk in this generation,yet she always wanted to...
Everyone also knew they would be paired up...well...YangYang did...he was lonely but the spinning in his head was already to much so he didn't really care...
No one expected Irene to get this drink...Heck,she was probably even drunker than Yang...she was walking slowly arounr the house,stopping at every step to catch her breath,singing random songs while she was saying Renjun's name....and like he heard her,he walked towards her direction,wanting to help her go to her room but failed when she pulled him by his collar and kissed him.
He was shocked...SHE kissed HIM...not the other way around.
The couple were just flirting with eachother,throwing some drunk sentences in some of their talks with occasional peck or kisses here and there.They haven't made out in so long and honestly it scared Haechan...is there something wrong or is it just Jeno's condition?Probably the second one...
While Haechan only drank two shots and was doing great...he was making sure they don't hurt themselves or break anything...but he was only looking at Y/N...and even the dizzy YangYang who probably couldn't even look straight,saw how he was staring at how she was dancing to sexy songs and say random frazes that,to him,sounded hot as fuck...
From time to time she would catch him staring and just sent him a seductive wink,making sure to see if he blushed or not...of course he did blush,but how could he not,when there was a girl with the nicest body,legs,curves,butt,shape....hair,eyes,nose,smile,personality,voice-
He snaps out of admirering when he felt a smack on his thigh...it was Y/N
"Are you okay?"she says,trying to sound as sober as possible
Hyuck:"the question is,are you okay?"
"Well I don't have any problems in my head whatsoever..."
Hyuck:"what do you mean?"
"Well...I've been very worried about my mom recently and when I met Xiaojun he told me about him working with Jeno and how he tells his boss information about you but Jeno said you already know...do you already know?"
Hyuck:"of course I do,I'm his best friend...his boss once saw me sneaking some illegal drug to someone he was just about to kill...it was when I was 12 years old...that's also when the Nomin couple started,well...being Nomin...He doesn't actually tell his boss everything yet he records all of his conversations with the boss...we trust eachother,tell eachother everything,even if we get mad,we all come back."
"You guys are so amazing...especially you.You're so perfect...how you take care of me without you even realizing,how you sometimes blush bcs of me or when you zone out while looking at me...how you want to change me and want me to be a bad girl so we could do bad stuff together"she kept on telling everything she likes about him,of course of the alcohol in her system,it was hard for her to hold back and just stop talking....
"I probably feel the same way you do,you know?Like when I blush without wanting to!how I want to hold you when you look at me with those perfect orbs that capture me everytime I look at their sparkle...how you only get those sparkles when you look at me makes my heart jump like crazy and how you only smile when I'm around...I love how the others tease us bcs I feel like we would look perfect together...but we both deny it...we shouldn't want this...not yet at least"
She went silent then felt her chin being lifted slightly,meeting a soft pair of lips.
They started moving and so did hers,making the kiss a bit heated...
But it stopped when Y/N realized...

She's not drunk anymore ??

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