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The car ride was quiet and awkward yet everyone was nervous...
Except for the female all of this was about.

And when they arrived again,they ran to the office as well as making sure they didn't knock anyone out.

Doc:"hello again-"
Irene:"not to be rude sir,but please hurry"she gives a small smile
The doctor sighs but was still smiling
Doc:"yes ma'am...I have asked every doctor if anything like this happened to them and luckily,there have been 3 cases like this already....and all of their patients have been cured in only a month with sending them away....it's a clinic...but also a camp..."
Baek:"what do you mean doc?"
Doc:"if you want her to be cured faster,you can apply her to this camp...there are a lot of fun things there...but she will be applied with the hospital so she will have a limited offer.She will wake up at 8 AM and eat her breakfast and when she eats she takes her pills.She then puts on training clothes and will go workout in the outside gym for two hours...then she gets rest for one hour then she goes swimming for 4 hours....two of those are training as well...then there's 3 hours where she can eat and rest and then lastly we have a dance every night and a camp fire....you can also come but you won't be able to live in the clinic,you will need to rent out the beach houses"
Yang:"a vacation!!!"
Irene:"sorry...I need to be at school"
Baek:"me too...I'm almost famous"
Renjun:"I need to look after my brother"
Jaemin:"isn't he older than you?"
Renjun:"yes.Yes he freaking he is"
Jaemin:"well good luck then...I can go"
Jeno:"yeah same here"
Hyuck:"of course I'll go"
Doc:"well here are the papers...for her and for 4 of you?"
And the 4 nod
The doctor starts looking for some papers in his folders
Doc:"here"and he hands them the papers"send them to this address"and he gives them a paper with some informations on them"and good luck"

They all thank the doctor and say their final goodbyes..

The ride was loud as hell...everyone talking about the trip and Y/N complaining about how shw didn't want to go.

By now she already believes something was wrong with her...that there's something wrong with her brain...but there's still bitterness about it.She can't do anything actually,since a doctor is almost begging her to go....

Yang:"are you excited as well Y/N??"
"Pft.Why would I be happy about working out and sleeping in a hospital"
Hyuck:"cuz you get to spend it with me babygirl"hw whispers the last word in her ear,again making her come back.
Hyuck:"we're going on a vacation baby"
"Really?With my sick brain?"
Hyuck:"it's actually a clinic...you're gonna work out a lot and in the evenings,you're gonna dance...and me,Jeno,Jaemin and Yang are coming with you"
"Really?"her eyes light up
He nods and takes her hand
Hyuck:"maybe you'll be cured very very fast and we can be there together...the real you"
The girl smiles and blushes shyly
"Thank you for doing this...all of this..."
Hyuck:"anything for you"he leans in and wanted to kiss her,but he was pushed away....
"Get away from me"
Hyuck:"AAAND you're back"he rolls his eyes
Jeno:"you're coming with us...we're going on a vacation"
"Why would I go with you?"
Jeno:"bcs you have no choice whatsoever and it's the only way we're getting rid of...you"
"Excuse me?What's wrong with me?"
Jeno:"your attitude sucks so you probably won't want to do anything there...but you'll have to"
Jeno:"shut the fuck up.I'm done with you,okay?You don't get to chose here and this is the end of the discussion"
Jeno:"THE END"
The female slouches in her seat and gets all sulky while Jaemin was busy calming his man

....if she isn't getting cured,she's gonna lose everyone,one by one....

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