Chapter 4 1st mission as partners

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They made to the location, where the strain has been running. They got out of the vichele and waited for instructions. They were ordered to capture the strain and take it into custody. Munakata notices that the strain must be in the ally ways since it doesn't want to get caught.

But Awashima orders Fushimi and the special unit to wait in the ally way so they all followed.

Akari was beside Fushimi since both of them are partners, they must work together in order to become a team. Fushimi glance at Akari, which he could have sworn he saw her before but never came about so he shakes it off.

" where was the strain supposed to be at?." Akari question.

" it should be around here, " Fushimi clicked his tongue, as they made it to an ally way.

They waited.

" Okay, get in position be ready when the strain comes. " Fushimi order.

" Fushimi San, how are we gonna know if the strain is going to come?." Kamo said, to him.

" patients... Plus it's a dead end. " Akari said, Fushimi looked at her. " which means..."

" which means they got no choice to surrender, " she answered leaving all men in the group, speechless. Then they waited for the time is right to ambush them.

1 minute later...

Akari felt a strong aura coming, she flinched by the Aura. Fushimi notices his partner move a bit.

" what is it?..." He clicked his tongue. She looked at him.

" it's coming, and a strong one. It's coming in fast, " she warned them. As soon she said that everyone got ready, put their hand on their saber. Calling their name and opened their saber. Akari got her saber ready, and her powers. She remembers what Munakata said to her before she left.

Mini flashback

" use my powers in battle?.."

Munakata nodded, " using a saber is useful in battlefield p, but for an emergency, if anyone is in trouble or anything that is happening. You have my permission for you to use your powers."

Akari nod her head, and Bow slightly, " yes sir!.."

End flashback

So she got her powers ready, took deep breathes and ready for the impacted. But something caught her surprise,

' huh, wait...two?..' She felt another aura.

She looked up front and saw the strain.

" what! Damn a dead end. " the strain spoke. Which is a guy, who is about older than Akari. His appearance looks young. She stared at him, then her partner spoke.

" so you are the one huh. You are under arrest! "

" hell if I'm gonna go to jail. You guys have to drag me!!.." The strain spoke mad. Akari felt another presence, she couldn't take it.

"You are not the only one here.." She said the strain made a smirk at her. By her finding out.

" you are good sweat heart. You are new aren't you?"

" it's not your business... Where's the other?!.."

Hidaka Enomoto and Domyoji spoke. " another?!.."

Then to her suspicions, she was correct. She saw another person came in. But Akari felt a strong presence on her. She has the same aura as hers. Fushimi looked at her then all of sudden the witch shoot fire flames to the blues.

" fire?!.." Hidaka yelled.

" we can't block it!." Fuse spoke.

Then Akari saw water she put her saber away, and points the water and let out the firing flames. Everyone was in shocked for her use her powers. Fushimi watches her on a fighting stands, shaking a lil. He clicked his tongue.

" you shouldn't use your powers!! " he yelled at her. Akari twitches her eyebrow.

" huh?! " she yelled, " I just saved your ass!! And that's how you are reacting!!"

The special unit just watches them both argue while both suspects are standing there watching them.

" you guys. Are like a married couple. " Fushimi and Akari heard them.

" no, we are not!!.."

Fushimi clicked his tongue. And points his saber at them.

" you both are in custody for ruckus of the city!.."

The witch laughed. " that's funny I'm not going... But.." She looks towards Akari with smirked. " let's have a lil fun shall we?.."

Then Fushimi orders them to attack but the strain attacks the blues, while the witch attacks Akari. The witch uses her powers at her which surprised Akari that the witch is a pyrokinesis which she can control fire and manipulate she put her saber away. She uses her hydrokinesis which her water magic to let out the flame.

She stands in a fighting stance so she knows when it will happen again. The witch was in shocked that she is a witch that controls water. But she felt that Akari is stronger than her. She growled and attack her, both of them used hand combat Akari punch her in the face while she pulled out her saber and charged at her.

But for the witch she blocked it. Akari smiled, " not for long. "

Akari jumps back, seeing the witch looking confused. She looks up and saw all three Spector 4 officers, up in the air. Ready to attacked her. But for the witch, she was about to burn them but disappeared right away.

" what?!.." She yelled, looking confused she looked at Akari saw her hands facing her and saw a blue energy shield, she cursed at herself but got tackled by the officers. She looked at them and saw the strain she was within handcuffs.

" you?!... You did that!!. " she yelled at her, with wide eyes. As she was in handcuffs. Akari smiled at her waving goodbye.

She saw everyone smiling at her. " that was good. Good work. " Banzai said to her. She smiled, looked at everyone who nodded. She looks at Fushimi who had the strain with him.

" Oi!! let's go! We got more work to do!" Fushimi said to the team. As they all nodded and sighed. Akari sighs from the work but walk ahead and walked beside Fushimi.

She kept walking straight until they put them in the visible and head straight to HQ.
--- next chapter:
Chapter 5 witches attack the Kings
A/N: I'm back!! Lol sorry for not updating been frustrated with school, a drama that involves the school, college life man never fails. *sigh* But now I'm out ish 😅. Now I can update, yay!

Chapters are on their way while I'm on break gonna do more. Anyways here's a new chapter. Hope you guys like it. And enjoy. ^^

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