Chapter 24 " truth about my past..."

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' I see it's an abandon building for sure... But where...' She thought to herself then she heard footsteps.

" I see your awake..." Akari trun to see who and it was two females, and a male.

" who the hell are you guys?..." Akari

" well that's rude, the names Mai..." The girl with white hair spoke,

" Mary, we are twins..." Mary said to Akari as she pointed her sis. Akari scanning them up and down. Seeing she has blue dark hair.

Akari turn to the blonde hair male, " the names, nario. "

She nods slightly, ' for some reason I felt a very strong force and aura in this room....'

then heard another footsteps, " It's good to see you Akari chan.~"

Akari stare t the person who came in the room, she gasped in shocked by this surprise and witness who is beside him.

" wha?!..." Akari

She saw fushimis father, Nikki Fushimi, along beside him is michiko.

" Nikki?! Why?!..." Akari told him,

Nikki chuckled lightly, " before you finish, I see you meet one of our finest witches. "

She was about to speak but got cut off by Nikki sentence. " witches?..." She look around her saw four people, who she assumed are witches. " you... Mean.."

Nikki nods, " yup, these are the four strong witches that I created. " said to her.

" you mean you gave them powers. That has happened to me!!.." Akari

Akari yelled at him, then realized what she heard from Nikki.

" why..." He stare st her, " why choose me? Why creating this power that us totally unnecessary. And where am I?"

Nikki smiled at him, then walked around her. " why indeed.... Well first you are in our hideout since the last one was burned down years ago. We moved to another that is almost near the city. " stopped in front if her.

Akari looked at him. " but Why creating this power?"

" because of this world... Where we have to run and follow orders to these, ' kings ', creating destruction. That we are lower then them, looking down on us. And.......that's when I choose this creating something stronger to destroy them. That's why I choose you. Creating a stronger weapon than the seven kings, so I make multiple powers in you, which you are stronger than the other witches I created. " he exclaimed,

" I wanted you on our side, to complete our mission. And the other reason why I want you on our team because, you have another ability a powerful ability. But when I heard that you escape I made a promise that I will get you in our team and on our side. " he added,

Akari stare at him blankly, then remembers that she told Fushimi that she had another ability but couldn't figure out what. Close her eyes, then answer his response.

" no. "

Everyone gasped and eyes widened by her response.

" no?..." Nikki rise his eyebrows.

" I said no ! I won't join your stupid team. I enjoyed being with scepter 4, they are not like those people who torture me back then. what does Fushimi think? And I don't know you!.." Akari glare at him.

But she heard him chuckle a lil, " what's so funny. "

" oh, Akari chan that's when you are wrong. "

" huh..."

Nikki smirked by her response, ' what does he mean by that?...'

" the reason I knew you, it was a long time ago. But sadly, I won't tell... It's a secret~." Nikki said as he put an idea finger to his lips.

Then walks to chair as he sit down in front of her, " but I'll tell you..."

" about what?..." Akari

" your past... "

The was silent, Akari sat in the cage in shocked by what she just heard. ' truth about my past...' About few minutes of thinking deep thought she heard a voice as she thinks about it.

" i saw you when you were lil playing outside in your home enjoying life, people really liked you, pretty, smart, and nice to others..." As he kept talking about Akaris childhood she started having a few moments when she heard his description of her past.

But when she stare blankly, she knows certain ones but for some reason that's not engage for her. Looking up, she saw that he was standing a few feet away from.

" why don't I remember them?..." Akari questioned him, with a shocked voice,

" and also, the reason you don't remember is because I have an ability to erase your memory. " Nikki explained to her.

She was quiet when he said that, look at him sensing that something is off, " why not tell me the rest of it? I knew something about you from the beginning even Fushimi. That I-..."

" That you knew him?..." She nod as she responding his question.

Nikki cross her arms in front of him, " I won't say,... "

" not even your ability.." Nikki shook his head,

" nope...I won't because it's not necessary. "

Akari snapped, " are you serious! You kidnapped me at a young age, you follow me looking for me and now you won't tell ME?! You won't tell me about my past?!"

Nikki stood up, as he went towards her. Akari get the hint and so she backed away.

" michiko..." Called out to her as he snapped his fingers. She came to his side right away.

" yes..." Michiko

Akari listen to them carefully, as the three witches watched the scene.

" get her to listen. " Nikki commanded.

Michiko nods, started to rise her hand to towards her. Akari was about to flee, by using her teleportation but she felt trapped .

' what?... I can't move my body...' She move then look down saw concert body shield. ' ?!...'

" like it or not Akari chan. ~ you are going to be back home with us where you belong. And with us as our leader. ~..." Nikki purred to her.

She glance towards norio saw he was in control then she felt q whole powerful engery of pain through her body. She yelled and scream.

" AHH!!!..."
--- next chapter:
Chapter 25 pain.

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