Chapter 18 relaxing days

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3 weeks later
It's been three weeks that all three clans started working together again. Scepter 4,  homra and white rice party go separate groups of taking down the witches around the city.

Akari was all over the place with different groups that they had put. Couple days she goes help Neko and Kuroh with the search, with the two group that blue and red clan slip into groups she help them as well.

The special unit notice that fushimi and Akari everytime they're together both blush a lil if they bump into each other or up close to each other and arguing with each other.

Now the three clans decided to go the spa for a long tiring night and mission. But the gold King decided to pass since he needs to keep an eye out on the slates.

The three clans made it to the resort got their things ready and head to the bath" the boys got theirs and the girls.

fushimi got his towel wrapped around his waist went towards the bath to soak once he was done scrubbing. He was dragged by the group and Akari told him it was good for his health.

He dumped his body to the bath, feeling the hot water soaking his body. He heard everyone coming towards the bath some from scepter 4, some from homra and one from the white rice party members.

" man!~... That was a long day of capturing them. " Domyoji

" yea, and I got to admit it feels nice to not hate each other and start working together. All of the clan members, teaming up. " bando

Everyone nodded, continuing talking like everything's okay but yata notice Fushimi calmly seating in the bathing listening but enjoying the bath. But he notice that his aura is... Different.

' something is different from him, ' yata thought he scout closer to him. Fushimi was in his own world thinking about Akari the times she blush in front of him, her hard working nature, how far her and fushimi been going on.

But he still remembers when he had to carry her to her room from the dinning area. When she called his name. ' I wonder what she us dreaming about. '

Then he didn't realize that for about few minutes of him in his own thoughts he saw all of the males staring at him. Concern faces.

" what?" Fushimi

" you weren't talking, or anything. " fuse

" is everything okay fushimi San?" Kamamoto

Fushimi give them a blank stare at them. " yes I'm... Fine. "

Then yata chimes in, shaking his head. " no it's about something else your aura..."

" what about his aura?" Kuroh and Everyone else lean in to listen to him.

" his aura is calm, and it's not a dark gloomy aura that you use to have. It's bight blue like happiness. ..." Yata

" really..." Enomoto

" is there something going on lately fushimi San?" Hidaka said to him then realize something. But saw Fushimi blush a lil.

" nothing... Happened lately..." Said with a blush trying to not think about Akari.

But Hidaka shouted putting the pieces together. The days of Fushimi and Akari together, working together, and hanging out lately.

" oh my god, fushimi San you like-..."

" Hidaka!..."

Right when he was cut off about to answer their questions Fushimi covered his mouth before tells them. The red clan and silver, even blue clan heard them both actions.

" Fushimi San, has a crush?~"  chitose teased with a smirk.

" what?!" Everyone

Fushimi face palmed in the face. " it's, um... " try to find the right words but couldn't.

" who is it? " dewa

" yea, who is it?~" everyone said in sync then right when he was about to say something the boys heard giggling on the other side of them.

Kosuke went to the wall hearing the noises, " it's the girls..."

Then all of the males stayed quiet hearing the conversation on the other side.

Girls bath.

The girls were taking the bath next to the boys. Akari notice that they have separate baths for boys and girls, they even have mixed baths. She decided to take the bath because of stress and relax.

After the scrubbing her body she went to the bath where the girls were at giggling.

" Akari there you are." Neko call her name. 

" yea, this place is nice. " taking her towel off. Went in seating next to Awashima.

She saw Awashima, Neko, and Anna. While they were talking Neko spoke to her.

" so, Akari chan." Akari look at her.

" yea?" Akari

" do you like anyone?" Neko

Akari flinched by that questioned, both girls in the bath Awashima and Anna stare at her. Curious about the question.

She try not to think about but the more she think about it the more her face gets heated by the minute.

" um... We're okay. " Akari

" okay, I see how you guys act around each other even the missions that we are on. " Neko

" and I see how Saruhiko changed from beginning to start. Akari, he's red is getting bright again along with yours. " Anna paused while looking at her. " you guys have some sort of connection together. It's bright. "

Awashima nods agreeing with her. " I agree with Anna on this one. I've known Fushimi since he started working from day one and I can tell he changed because of you. I see how he looks at you every time you guys are together. He goes to events more, doesn't talk bad about everyone. "

Akari blush a lil, thinking about him. Then Awashima look at her giving her a small smile, " Akari, if you really like this person go to him and tell your feeling to him. I mean you never what my happened after that.~"

The atmosphere was quite, silence. Akari look at her nodding her head, with a hum. " thank you Awashima San. " she smiled.

Then the girls started talking amongst themselves, Akari was thinking how to tell him.

' how am I going to tell him?...' She thought about it.

Moments later the girls got out of the bath and head to bed. For the next day at work with a long scheduled ahead of them.
--- next chapter:
Chapter 19 who's important to you

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