The secrets out...

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Diannes pov
Dianne - well it started when I was 12.......Me and my dad never used to get along very well but I always had my mum, when things got hard. She would cuddle me tell me everything would be alright and nearly always it did. But then everything changed when my mum died of lung cancer when she was only 42. She never told us even though we would be there for her. It all went downhill from there really, my dad hated me he always blamed me for my mums death even though it can't have been my fault. He told me none of this would have happened if I wasn't born.
Tears were steaming down my face and joe pulled me closer inhaling his sweet scent made everything better.
Dianne - I was always living life on the edge, constantly walking on egg shells all the time when I was living with him. I thought my life would finally get better when I met Anthony he made me feel loved and cared for and always took care of me when my dad would abuse me. When my dad found out I was pregnant he hated me and kicked me out saying that I didnt deserve help to look after my baby cause I had burdened on him enough. So I went to live with Anthony. Things were fine for a bit, but when Mia was born he changed.....
I tears were rolling down my face like a waterfall.
Joe - Di baby it's fine everything is going to be alright. You don't need to carry on if you don't want to. I love you and will always be here for you.
Dianne - no joe it's fine. When Mia was born he changed a lot he wasn't the person I fell in love with. He went out clubbing every night and always got drunk. He would hit me really hard for even little things like coming home from the shop a minute late or not putting enough milk in his tea. Though I managed all I had to do was look after Mia and let her have a good life. Neither of us went to school. He locked us in the house. I think he was scared we would tell on him. But I couldn't do that I, I was terrified to what he would do to us. Then one.... one day Mia was Ill and wouldn't stop crying. This wound Anthony up, and I guessed he just snapped and hit Mia. She cried harder which made it worse and he stormed out probably getting drunk. That has the final straw for me and I know I had to leave him for my safety and mias, so I stole so money, 1000 pounds intact. He got that as he was the known drug dealer in the area. I packed our bags and left without saying goodbye to anyone not even my friends. They would ask why and I wasn't prepared to tell them. Then within 24 hours we were here, the council gave us this flat and my new dance teacher halls us out.
I had done it I had told my story to joe and it honestly felt like a weight hasd been lifted from my shoulders. I looked up at him and their were tears in his eyes. He kissed me gently and we hugged for what felt like forever until he said -
Joe - Di I am so sorry in your little life you have had to put up with so much abuse and I want to take the pain away from you. But how do you pay for food and how do you get by. If you need money or anything di please ask me.
Dianne - please joe, I don't want anything from you we can cope I just want you here with me and Mia so we can be a proper family and I get paid quite well by teaching the younger ones how to dance and I get money at competitions. Joe baby don't worry we can manage.
Joe - only if you are sure baby.

Joes pov
I couldn't believe how much abuse Dianne had been through in her life and I wanted to be their with her to take the pain away. I can't believe that Anthony got Mia and abused di. I did my understand how someone so precious and beautiful could go thorough so much pain and suffering. But I am so glad she told me though as I can help her get past this and I will help her anyway I can. We snuggled up together on the sofa. I never wanted to leave her again and I knew she didn't want me to leave her either.
Joe - I love you so much di
Dianne - I love you too suggy

Hi guys. That was a long chapter about 800 words but the secret is now out. Let me know what you think in the comments and thankyou so much as we are nearly at 600 reads. It's amazing!!!

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