Never give up on me...

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Diannes pov
Dianne - joe, I'm so sorry...but...
Tears streamed down my face, you can do this dianne. Just get it out the way and then no one with have to know about Mia or your rubbish life.
Joe - Di what is...what has happened...Di tell me please...
Di - joe I'm so sorry, you have done so much for me. But...we have to break down.
His face suddenly dropped I could see tears threatening to fall from my eyes. He grasped my hand gently and walked me outside, not saying anything. I don't think he wanted to cause a scene.
Joe - Di, please you can't do this to me. I need you and you and Mia need me. We need each other. Please we can't leave each other. I love you.
Tears were down falling down his eyes. I hated hurting him. I really did but I had to do this. Though I felt selfish and guilty. I had put my life in front of his but I felt like I had to.
Dianne - I love you to... I'm so sorry but I have to.
I pulled him into a hug but he pulled away abruptly.
Joe - then why are you doing this. but Dianne what about Mia. You said yourself that to many people had left you and her but yet you are leaving me. I was ready to be a father figure to her.
He stood up from the old benched we were sitting on and punched to wall.
Joe - I can't believe you are doing this to me. How could you do this to me and Mia.
He stormed of crying, I wanted to run after him and tell him that we could be together forever. But we couldn't. All things come to an end at some point but why did it have to be now when it was just getting started? I stayed sitting on the bench for what felt like forever and then signed myself out at reception claiming to have a family emergency.
Dianne - I'm so sorry joe.
I whispered into to air as I crawled into my bed and cried. How was I going to tell Mia? She would be distraught.
Joes pov
I couldn't believe dianne had broken up with me. We were fine this morning. It was perfect. I felt like this was partly my fault though. I should of waited for her when I walked to registration but I thought she wanted to walk with Amy and Stacey as it looked like the were having a good conversation. I heard that Dianne had left to go home. She said it was a family emergency but it was obviously not. But I felt like there was something going on with dianne. I felt like something had happened to her when she was walking to form. After all she still said that she loved me, so why would she break up with me. I told the boys, Stacey and Amy about dianne breaking up with me and Amy said that dianne had been telling her half an hour before joe much she loved me and how much she appreciated me at home. I couldn't give up on her now. I will make it my mission to find out what happened to dianne five minutes before I found her. I decided to text her. I couldn't leave it here now.
Joe - Di, what ever happened to you before form, we can get past this, I will always be here dianne. I love you! 🥰

Never give up on me.........

Hi guys so we now have some drama in the story. Hopefully we will find out who or what chippy is today. How's your weekend going.

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