The morning after the night before...

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Diannes pov
I woke up snuggled in joes arms. Luckily it was Saturday which meant that we could sleep in. I loved snuggling to his chest and smelling his perfect scent. I tried to sync my breathing with his and I stared at him lovingly  trying to mesmerise every single detail on his face. I traced his jaw bone and every little frown line on his forehead with my finger but without touching his face as I didn't was to wake him up. He just looked so perfect. I moved the covers slightly and tried to detect my self from his gentle grip but he pulled me closer into his chest, so close that I could feel his breath on my face but I didn't mind. I didn't mind about anything when I was with him.
It had been about another hour and joe still hadn't woken up. I tiptoed across the carpet and into mias room. She lay there sleeping peacefully. I took a picture as she looked so cute and sent it to joe. I know he wouldn't reply as he was asleep but I wanted to share it with him when he wakes up. I quietly walking down stairs trying so hard to remember the stairs that creaked so I wouldn't wake up. I made joe and I some pancakes and a small cup of tea and decided to wake him up as it was nearly 10 o'clock.
Joe - there you are di, I wondered where you got to.
Dianne - I made you breakfast Suggy.
Joe - ahh babe you didn't have to do that.
Dianne - I wanted to babe after all you never gave up on me.
I kissed joes lips gently remembering the first time that we had kissed. I still received the many fireworks that went off in my brain, and I even think that they may be more. I walked into mias room and she was awake now quietly playing with her toys. I picked her up and cuddled her. We went into my room and had a family cuddle while we ate out breakfast and watched Netflix.
I mould today get even better.....

Hey guys so I know this episode is a bit boring but it was just a small chapter filler as tomorrow in the next episode it will get more exciting. I hope you all had i good day today. I had a better day today. Let me know what you think about the story so far and if you have any ideas? Xx

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