What was she up to...

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Joes pov
Me and Di woke up in the same way as normal cuddled up in each other's arms.  I didn't want to wake her as she looked so peaceful and comfortable but I had to as we had to get Mia ready for preschool and me and Di had school ourselves so we couldn't sleep in again. Me and dianne had a plan. All the boys, Stacey and Amy knew that me and Di had got back together but to everyone else we broke up and stayed friends. I couldn't risk our secret being released to everyone just yet especially Jess. She was evil and knew just how to wind everyone up and be horrible. She had small eyes that just glared at you making you feel like you were turning into a stature and we hated her.
Me and dianne quickly got Mia ready dressing her in her favourite outfit and we ate breakfast cooked by Dianne which was pancakes and they were delicious. When we dropped Mia of the other mums didn't say anything about Dianne, I think it was because I was there.
Diannes pov
Today had been going well so far me and joe had convinced everyone that we were were now just friends and nothing more. We made sure that we weren't to close to on and other and we weren't being to flirty I think Jess bought it but she did give me a few suspicious glances that I tried to ignore I just hope that she wouldn't say or do anything. The boys and Amy and Stacey new though. They had all promised to be careful about when they were taking and that they wouldn't hint or reveal a thing. It was all going well until lunch time when we were sitting down to eat dinner with everyone. As I was walking with my tray Jess put her foot out and tripped me up sending me and my tray flying covering me and joe in the sauce from the dinner. Joe squeezed my hand as he helped me up and confusion flashed across jesses face. I quickly realised and pulled my hand away from joes quickly but it was to late Jess had already seen. You could see in her malicious eyes that she was plotting and butterflies appeared in my stomach. Oh god what was she plotting?....
Jess leaped on the the Table with an evil grin plastered onto her face.
Jess - listen up everyone I have something to tell you all.
My blood turned cold and I felt like I could pass out I could feel joe tightening his grip around my waist.
What was she up to....

Hey guys it's finally Friday and I can finally sleep in tomorrow. School starts way to early honestly. I hope you have a good weekend. Xx

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