Chapter 1 | Travelling through time

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Lily POV

I ran round the corner, trying to get into the broom closet I always hid in when I time travelled back to my next class. You see, I'm one of those rare people who take too many classes than they can fit into their timetable, so Professor McGonagall (or as the marauders liked to call her, Minnie) gave me a golden time turner. Everything had gone really well the past week, until now.

     "Hey Evans!" I groaned, I knew that voice all to well.

     "What do you want Potter" Turning around to face him. Remus and Black were there too.

     "Just wondering how my beautiful Lily flower is going?" He winked with books in one arm, the other one jumping up to his hair. I Always hate when he does that, it sends butterflies through my stomach and makes me weak at the knees. 'You like him' my thoughts said. 'No I don't!!' I thought back. I couldn't like him, could I?

     "Why would you care? Your just an arrogant toe rag!!" I shouted bitterly. Hurt flashed through his eyes and a frown formed on his face, I almost felt bad for being so snappy and was about to apologise, when his 'Potter smirk' reappeared back on his handsome face. 'Lily you did not just think that!!' I scolded myself.

Most girls would fall at his knees begging for his attention, but not me. James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew or as they liked to call themselves the Marauders, so called 'rule the school'. Pranking first years, Slytherins and of course my ex best friend Severus. To be honest I was grateful to Potter for helping me realise that Snape was a bad person, although I would never admit it. It would just inflate his head more than it already is.

     "Just thought I would ask to be nice!" He stated, throwing his arms above his head, causing his raven coloured hair to fall onto his face.

I stared for a moment into James's hazel eyes, lost in them. 'Wait did I just call him James?!'.

I heard snickers from behind him. Black and Lupin were laughing. I blushed and stared at my feet, then faced back up to give them a glare that could kill.

     "Hey Lil's, what's that?" Remus asked kindly, breaking the awkward silence. He was the only one of the marauders that I could actually stand.

I panicked, and quickly tried to hide the time turner in the palm of my hand. Although amidst my thoughts, Black must have slipped behind me, because quickly the golden necklace was ripped out of my grasp.

     "Black, give it back now!" I screamed slowly approaching him, trying to make sure he didn't drop it.

    "Hey Padfoot, let me have a look," Potter joked. Sirius dropped it in to Potter's hand.

    "I've never seen a necklace like this before.. where did you get it?" James questioned, while throwing the time device up in the air, over and over. My emerald green eyes followed the object with horror as it went up in down.

     "None of your business Potter," I stated grumpily. I tried to make a reach for the necklace, but I cursed my clumsiness, as I tripped and fell right on top of James. I watched in complete utter fear as the time turner fell down onto the cold marble floor, and smashed. Golden sand turned around the four of us, like a tornado.

     "JAMES POTTER!!!" I screamed so loud my voice went hoarse.

I hope you guys like it! Correct me if I got any of my facts wrong or spelling mistakes! I would love to hear your feedback!

From, 112112321💗🥳🌈

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