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Harry POV

"My parents.....????" Shock evident on my face.

"Harry, before we jump to conclusions we need to check this out," Hermione commanded.

"But...." I tried to reason.

"Mione is right mate," Ron interrupted.

We jogged out of the common room making our way to the library. How could someone be so cruel?! My parents and Sirius can't be alive, can they? Oh I hope they are!! Someone better not be playing a prank, but the marauders map never lies Remus said???

When we got to library we heard to voices. We rushed our way to hide behind a bookshelf.

"Of course!!! How could you expect the great Sirius Black and James Potter to stay on the down low," I heard.

I was in shock. Hermione and Ron stared at me eyes wide open. Was it really them?? Do I have my family back?? Why do they look so young??? What am I gonna do!!!!!

Hermione gave me hug, whispering encouraging things in my ear. The quiet sound of muttering could still be heard in the background. A silent tear slid down my face, I felt like breaking out sobbing, but I wasn't able to. My throat could not make any noise, the hurt was too strong. Years of emotions over powered me, my face was drenched in tears. I miss my parents and Sirius so much. They were my only family and they're dead.

Ron came to give me a hug too, but instead he knocked over the whole stack of books. The clutter and knocks coil be heard as each book toppled down. The wall separating us from the others was gone in one large knock. Hermione and I looked accusingly at Ron

"Whoops?" Ron said shrugging.

We groaned.

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