She's Gone

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James POV (While Lily was at the lake)

I sitting in the three broomsticks holding a table, waiting for my friends to arrive. Marlene wasn't with us, but in Honeydukes she is still furious with me, for a reason I don't know with me. What did I do? Hopefully when Remus and Sirius come back, I will get an answer.

Myself gathered in my thoughts, didn't notice when my friends heavily stepped through the every wooden door. Frowns were etched upon their features, and their eyebrows crinkled in thought.

"Padfoot, Mooney! Finally feel like I've been waiting here all day!" I looked upon their faces to see guilt and sadness, "What's wrong?"

"It's Lily, she ran off," Remus said shyly.

"WHAT?" I immediately standed up, running towards the door, swinging it open.

"Prongs wait! We don't where she's gone!" Padfoot shouted.

"That's exactly why we're going to hogwarts, to get the map," I shouted, turning my head around.

"Prongs,, she might just want to be on her own for a while," Remus said.

"But what if she's in danger? What happens if she dies or gets hurt? It will be all my fault!" A stray tear fell from my eye. "Just help me.... please." I beg

Remus and Sirius both looked at each other, then turned back and nodded to me. We all started running off towards hogwarts; in look for the map, which is currently in the possession of Harry and his friends.

Well that's going to be awkward.


We sprinted up the moving stairs, we were all so worn out. Our steps we heavy and our breathing laboured.

After what felt forever, we finally stepped foot in the common room. The fire blasting in full heat, while the group were gathered round the fire to keep warm. Books lay in their laps, Ron's feet lay over the side of the couch, Hermione flicked her pen in her hand, as Harry confabed to them.

As the door squeaked open, their heads swiveled to our direction. Sharp flares were shot like daggers towards us; Sirius, Remus and I red in the faces with pleading looks etched on our features.

"Please help, we need the map!" I beg.

"Why would we give that to you?" Hermione stayed, her expression set in a cold glare.

"Because Lily's gone! I don't where she's gone, please!" I say desperately, losing all my dignity.

"Tell is why the map calls you James Potter, and we'll considerate," Ron says speaking up.

I immediately go to speak, but am interrupted by a voice.

"You sure you want to do this James?" Sirius and Remus looked at me pointingly.

My thoughts jumbled for a second, before coming to the conclusion.
Lily matters most.
I nod towards my friends; they signal for me to go ahead.

I quickly explain everything to them. Believe it or not I even admitted bumping into Lily and breaking the time turner, and that's special.

After a moment of silence while the new found information sunk into them, Harry spoke the elephant in the room.

"S-so y-your m-y D-dad? He stuttered, a tear slid down his face, and his round, thin wired glasses started to fog over.

All I could was nod. He finally knew, and I could finally be able to spend time with him as father and son.

"So that means, your Sirius and Remus?" He questions cautiously. Mooney nods, where as Padfoot does a smile and a thumbs up. He beams, and runs up with no hesitation to wrap us all up in a big bear hug. They're just like Lily's.


"Lily's still in danger!" I blurt, my mouth having to filter from my thoughts.

"Mum?" I sway my head up and down as an answer.

"Harry starts to fiddle with his robe pocket, eventually pulling out the marauders map.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good," We all crowd around the worn piece of parchment. My eyes scan the paper from Lily's name, and I find it the worst place it could be.

The forbidden forest.


A while later of dashing through the roots, and in and out of the tall branchless trees. We hear cheers, from a large group of people.

Hermione signals from all of us to have our mouths zipped. One wrong move, and we could be dead.

As we get closer, I can see a green light flashing through the forest leaves.

My parents always warned me of the luminous colour, and told me tales of it being most people's last sight.

Please don't be Lily. God please don't be Lily.

We darted quickly through rows of trees; being so careful not step on any leaves or sticks.

Stress filled up my body, from my toes to my head. Worry sewn onto my face.

Once and for all we reached the dreaded sight.

Lily battling the killing curse against a devil. A person I hoped to never have to face, and the man that haunted my nightmares.


"LILY!" I shouted. I sprinted towards her, I would never be able to live in this world without her.

Unfortunately, but as expected Voldemort turned around to me then to utter a command to his sickening minions.As he did so a group of them picked up Lily's broken body.

Screams and sobs wracked my large frame. My legs moving unconsciously towards her.

Don't take her, not my Lilyflower.

I updated! Yay!! Thanks for all the support on the last chapter, I really appreciate it!

Sorry I didn't update as soon as I said. I had school start this week, and hadn't gotten the time.

I don't like school, do you guys?

Anyway, have the best day possible, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ❤️💛💚💙

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