Red Eyes

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I sat there thinking, for who knows how long. My thoughts jumbled, after coming up with my conclusion.

I love James Potter.

I let out a dreamy sigh knowing he loves me too. Even though our lives will never be perfect, I would rather live that life than any other.

I glance towards my watch that sits on my wrist, I stand up from the mossy log I was seated on. I brush down my dress, little stones were caught in the wool, Marlene would kill me.

I shake off my thoughts, turning my frown to a smile, I was finally going to tell James how I feel about him.

I turned around, my boots making a noise on the stones below them. Buts I freeze as my eyes widen to what I see next.

I'm meet with a pair of cold, red eyes. Shivers spill down my spine, I clutch onto my wand in the pocket of my dress. Death eaters started to flood to his sides, surrounding me, there is no escape.

"Hello miss Williams, or should I say Potter,"  he laughs. Oh god he knows, he knows, I'm as good as dead. Panic seeps through to my bones, making me feel sick. I push through it though. For James, and Harry. I can't let fear overthrow me, I'm stronger than that.

I've never meet Voldemort before, but if I had to place my bets on who he was, I'd say this guy.

He wore a full length black tattered robe, his nose snake like and flat on his face. His skin deadly pale, and his eyes as cold as ice. I mustered up as much confidence as I could.

What would James do?

"Hey! I love what you've done with your hair!" I held back a chuckle, while talking to my future killer.

A few death eaters snorted, trying to hold back a laugh.

"SILENCE!!" He waved his wand at the people who laugh. Next second there lying on the ground, still. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

"A-are th," I stammered.

"No not dead,"he chuckled at my innocence, "worse, I transported inside their own heads, forced to live with their worst thoughts and nightmares." He grinned. My feet's stumbled back, my hands covering my mouth as I choked on my own breaths. Tears threatened to spill, but I thought, James and Harry.

I reclaimed my composure and said, "what do you want?" A slight tremble in my voice.

"What I want? Isn't it obvious?" He grabbed my chin roughly,"I want you dead."

He let go of my chin and said "hand me the boy,"
The crowd parted, as a white blonde haired boy stepped through the crowd. Draco.

The slytherin traitor slipped through the the group; while Voldemort placed his hand on his shoulder, pushing him forward.

"This complient boy, brought the information to my atttention. After he overheard a little incident in the library concerning you, Harry, and your friends. Isn't that right Lily?" I gritted my teeth, angry at myself and my stupidity.

I whipped my wand out of my pocket. Signaling to Voldemort I wanted to duel him.

"You want to duel me?" He laughs, "hear that everyone? This pathetic little wats to duel me!" The group of them cackled.

He looked towards my face, checking if I was serious or not. My face was stone, even if I died, I would know I died saving the ones I love.

"Alright then, I suppose you know how to duel mudblood?" I nodded, used to a name I was called far to much.

"3, 2, -" he shouted, and struck before one, with a red curse. The cruciatus.

I blocked it, with a flick of my wrist. But before I could celebrate my short victory, he struck again. The same spell.

I struggled more to block this one, as he added more power through his wand. But I was eventually able to block it successfully.

Prepared, I didn't soak in my victory this time, and regained my stance. I waved my wand, using an expelliarmus.

He shrouded himself, while I added more strength and power to the spell through my wand. Eventually he transferred it to the side, and advanced towards me.

"Avada kedavra!" He shouted.

Knowing I had you can't block a killing curse, I used an expelliarmus.

Our spells meeting half way between us. Green vs red.

Throwing so much power into my spell, my legs started to wobble, and shake. This is how I was going to die. Never admiting my feeling towards James, and leaving this earth in the middle of an argument with my son. My heart broke.

All hope was leaving me, when a shout interrupted our duel.

"LILY!!" A broken voice shouted from the direction of the trees. I look over through my blurred eyes to see James, the only boy I've ever loved. Tears streaming down his face, his voice husky, and sobbing were racking his large frame. At least I got to see him one last time.

"Grab her, and let's go," Voldemort ordered. I tried to struggle, but my muscles wouldn't obey. They death eaters picked me up with ease.

"James..." I whispered looking towards James running towards me, before I slipped into blackness.


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