The Library

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Remus POV

After potions, Lily, James, Sirius and I headed to the library to find a way to get home. Sure we were welcomed here and it was nice, but we all missed everyone back home. Not to mention how much we would mess up time if we stayed.

We were all flicking through books, well except for Sirius. James was trying a new approach to Lily, and I think it's working.

"I miss Marlene!!!" Sirius whined. Marlene is Sirius's first and only ever crush, he's just to chicken to admit it. "Why are you reading a book?!?!" He said while pointing a finger at James.

"I wanna get home, you dumbo!!" Prongs exclaimed.

"Be quiet!!" Lily whispered. "I miss Marlene a lot too, but the only way to see her is to look through these books. Also I'm so telling her you have a crush on her!!!"

"I do not!!! She is just my very close friend, yeh..." Padfoot said, his face burning.

"Mmmhm," Lily flocked back to reading.

"Do you think Harry and his friends suspect us??" I asked. They looked at us very weirdly after the potions incident, especially Hermione.

"Of course!!! How could you expect the great Sirius Black and James Potter to stay on the down low," Sirius and James both said jokingly. Lily giggled.

I raised an eyebrow at her, and made a mental note to ask her about that relationship later.

"On a none joking note, I think they do, but the only thing we can do is deny any suspicions," Lily said. We all nod, and go back to reading.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Lily watching James, while smiling. She is falling, falling hard. I catch her eye and raise my eyebrow. She widens her eyes and shakes her head, blushing.

"Please don't say anything," she whispers nervously.

"I won't," I reassure her, smirking.

We all stayed there in silence, for about an hour till we heard a huge pile of books tip over.


I'm so proud!!! I have done two updates in two days!! 😂😂😂 Hope you guys like it!!! 💜💜

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