Till The End

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I am really, really sorry!!! I have had writers block and had no idea of what to write! But I have good news! I now have the whole story planned out in my mind! I have just finished this chapter I started ages ago, and right after this I am going to start the next one. Please keep commenting and voting lovely people! the more you comment and vote the quicker I will update. ❤️🧡💛

Lily Pov

"Remus is coming over," Marlene whispered to me, pointing her finger slightly behind me.

I quickly whipped my head, to in fact see Remus walking over to us.

Hey Lily, Mar," he greets.

"Hey," I say.

"Marlene, can I please talk to Lily alone?" Marlene's head nods.", and she walks away, towards the cart. We watch her leave, before Rem turns to me.

"I'm just gonna get straight to he point. Why are you angry with James?" He asks.

"It's stupid,"

"Come on Lils, you can tell me,"

After a moment of thinking, "Fine, he hasn't asked me to Hogsmede today," I mumble, blush creeps up my pale face.

"Is that why?" He chuckles.

"It's not funny," I say. I know I'm pathetic, but he doesn't need to make me feel sick worse.

Remus keeps laughing till he's rolling on the floor.

"It was stupid of me to think he would still like me," I murmur. Remus stops laughing, and snaps his head towards me.

"You think he doesn't like you? God lily, your so oblivious! He's in love with you!" He says.

My hold body tenses and I freeze. What?

"The only reason he didn't ask you today was because I told him not to. To give you so space. With everything going on, I figured you would need a break from him asking you out all the time. I guess that wasn't the case. I really sorry Lils,"

My brain kicking, I start walking. Walking back to Hogwarts.

"Lily where are you going," a new voice says.

"Back to hogwarts Sirius, I'm not in the mood to be here anymore," a tear slips down my face, he can't love me. He just can't.

"I'm sorry Lily!" Remus shouted.

"It's not your fault, it's mine," and with that sprinted,   tears spilling down face, dropping onto the snow below. My heart is shattering, and my thoughts jumbled. I didn't look back, I couldn't face my life at the moment, I just needed to escape.

I made my way through the crowds of the little village of Hogsmeade, and ran towards the forest on the outskirts of the town. I weaved in and out through trees, with tears blurring my vision.

I kept running, until I finally spotted the rivers edge. Peered out onto the icy blue lake with my teary eyes, and my knees collapsed in sobs. My heart wrenched as if someone had stabbed me and twisted it. My cries turned into breathless, and tearless, as I thought.

He can't love me, he can't. I'm not good enough for him, I'm weak. I couldn't even protect my future son, who lives a life I can't even imagine. He deserves someone strong, who won't reject him, who will love him, and save him from his destined fate. For some reason the thought of him loving someone else made my heart clench.

Do I love him? Do I love James? All those years of us bickering and teasing each other... I think I knew all along.

I always knew it would be us together, till the end.

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