Chapter 3 | Meeting my son

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James POV

     "No wonder he looks so much like you Prongs," Padfoot nudged me. My eyes still face up ahead, towards Harry.

Lily glances between Harry and I, smiling at both of us, I finally break out of my trance and grin back. Not a smirk but a genuine smile. We stare into each other eyes for about half a minute, till she breaks eye contact, blushes, and looks down at her feet. 'Could she like me?' I thought to myself. 'Nah' Although, I can't help but wonder why she's embarrassed.

     "Harryyy, did you find out who was screaming?" Said A boy with bright red hair and blue eyes as he walked down the stairs. He looked like Sirius, when he gets up to school each morning, tired.

      "Wait, who are you?!" He stopped where he was and stared.

     "These are the transfer students from Ilvermorny, Lily Williams, James Brown, Daniel Black and Marcus Lupin."

      "Ron, Harry, keep it down will you! The girls in the dormitory are very peeved to be woken up this early, better not annoy them more!" A girl with bushy brown hair and chocolate coloured eyes said interrupting or conversation. She looked up from her 'A Hogwarts history book' and gasped.

     "Who are they?" She yelped.

     "Calm do Mione, these are the new students, Lily, James, Daniel and Marcus." Harry said referring to each one of us as he spoke.

     "Gosh Harry these two," Ron said pointing at Lily and I. "Could pass for you parents, they even have the same first names!" My smile grew so wide, I don't think I could ever be so happy in my life! I marry Lily Evans!! Well soon to be, Potter! I knew she would have to give into my charm someday!

I smirked at Lily, she was frozen. I think the bushy haired girl was starting to become suspicious, as she eyed our behaviour carefully.

All happiness was over when Lily said "I don't feel so good..." she stuttered, as her knees crumpled beneath her.

I sprinted over to her, sliding my body between her and the floor. She slammed against me, as if I were the ground, she had passed out.

I hold her body against mine and say urgently "Padfoot, Moony, we need to get her to the hospital wing now!" I realised my mistake with their names, but was to worried to acknowledge it.

I picked her up bridal style, leaning her head against my chest. Meanwhile, Sirius and Remus run ahead to warn Poppy (Madme Pompfrey), we were coming. Harry, Ron and Hermione, walked with Lily and I, making sure we got there safely.

     "Lily, please be okay. I can't live without you, please," I quietly mumbled, while tears spilled from my eyes onto her perfect face. I knew she had only fainted, but what happens if she never wakes up? What happens if she could never yell at me again? What happens if I can never tell her I love her?

"She'll be okay James, Harry is still here and hasn't disappeared yet," She whispered, I looked at her in fear, she knew our secret, Lily is going to kill me. "That's right I know, don't worry I won't tell, also by the way I'm Hermione,"she winked, patting me on the back as she made her way back to Harry and Ron.

We finally arrived at the hospital wing, Poppy looked like she had been crying.

     "Quickly, give her to me," she said while levitating her out of my arms. Lily lay peacefully on the hospital bed, her red hair spread out around her, she looked like an angel.

     "We can't lose Lily again, get it together Poppy," she muttered to herself, although I don't think I heard her right, she said 'again'.

     "Everyone out! She needs her rest!"

     "No, I need to stay!" Harry and I said in union. She grumbled.

    "Fine, if I hear one peep though your out!" She stated, as she stormed out. Padfoot, Mooney, Hermione and Ron left too. Leaving Harry and I alone.

    "So you know?" He nodded slowly. We plopped into the two chairs next to Lily's bedside in unison. I grabbed Lily's hand, draping it between two palms. Her hand was warm and soft in mine. I heard a light snore to my right, to see my future son, lying next to my future wife on the bed. He must of moved, while I was in thought. They both looked so peaceful, that I feel asleep too.


Hope you guys liked it! Feedback is always appreciated! Extra long one for you guys, enjoy!

From, 112112321 💗🥳🌈

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