Aluminium pipes

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Lily POV

My lips moulded perfectly against his. My arms went to his hair, as I tangled my fingers through it gently tugging. He let out a low moan, making me grin against his mouth in satisfaction. His arms lower to my waist which tighten, tugging me flush against him. The kiss was passionate, and filled with longing and desire, everything disappeared from my mind as he held me then. All I could focus on was the sensation he was giving me. His hands ran up and down my body, making me moan his name. I want him; tingles shudder down my body as I wait in anticipation to go further. I can't believe it. I'm finally kissing the boy that I hated, but now am so desperately in love with.

His tongue skims my bottom lip, begging for access; I go to oblige but cough echoes in the room. I look around to suddenly remember, we're not alone. I blush so red you could have mistaken me for a strawberry, where as James gives a glare that could kill towards Sirius, who coughed.

Sirius cocked an eyebrow, where as Remus just gave us an amused smile. At that point I also noticed Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in the room too. Harry grins so wide you would think his cheekbones would brake, Hermione just giggles at Ron as he repeats "my innocent eyes!" Which cuts the awkward silence, which we all laugh. Still in James's arms, I feel so at home, I've never felt happier in my life.

I took a glance a Severus, he nodded at me with a small smile. What I loved is even though he hated James, he was just happy with the fact that I was happy. That's why he's my best friend.

I rotate back towards Harry and his friends. Harry runs up and gives me a big hug.

"Thank Merlin you're ok. I don't know what I would have done if I lost you again," he cried tears of joy, which dropped onto my neck, as he nuzzled further into me.

"I love you mum," now I understand how mothers felt when their children said this, and why my mum felt so special when I said it to her. My heart swelled with love for my son in my arms.

"I love you too Harry," I whisper to him.

My husband's arms wrapped around the two of us.

"You don't think you can leave me out now?!" James chuckles, pretending to be offended. We laugh. Remus and Marlene join the hug too.

"I'm coming in," Sirius muffles his voice with his hand, and next thing I feel was a tall body crashing into us, making us all topple into a large, tangled, clump.

"I missed you too Sirius," I chuckle, facing my son's godfather.

"Uhhh guys sorry to interrupt this lovely family reunion, but remember we're still in Lucius' mansions dungeon." Hermione reminds us.

"That's right," a shiver spills down my spine, and not in a good way. Nervously I turn my head towards the entrance. Red eyes pierce through mine, I hold tighter onto James and Harry, and step up from the ground hurriedly. Harry tried to push James and I both back behind him, but we don't let him.

He doesn't have to go through this alone anymore.

"Awww the family reunited how sweet," he cackles. "To bad it's only temporary, poor little Harry," he fakes a pout. We stand strong, and with that he casts a green streak of light out of his wand. Harry and James are quick to push me into the floor behind them, while trying to block the curse. All of my friends from the past and present come in front of me and begin to block the spell along with my husband and son.

I feel useless watching my friends fight, I want to help desperately. I hate being helpless.

I spot a large, heavy pipe behind me, rusted and covered in dirt. Then an idea comes streaming in. Only problem is, I could easily end up dead.

I pick the pipe up and I swing it onto my shoulder so my body is holding most of the weight. It's not actually as heavy as it looks, but after not eating for three days, I feel weak.

I slide my back along the wall as I tip toe my way to Voldemort. The death eaters are no where to be seen, and hopefully it stays the way.

Finally after being painfully silent, I eventually manage to get behind him.

That's when I take the pipe, swinging above my head to slam it down onto his. Which I'm telling you now, is definitely in needs of some moisturiser.

He collapses holding his head, groaning. I can't believe I actually did that! I just got Voldemort on the head with a pipe! I'm so dead.....

I sprint to my friends, grabbing one of their arms as the get over their initial shock and apparate. We stop spinning and I look around seeing we landed in a snow field. A white blanket lay of the ground, no footsteps broke the coat other than our own. No noise filled the air, nothing other than the sound of our heartbeats, and breathing.

We did it.


Two updates in three days, I'm very happy haha :)

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