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Hey guys,

I can't believe it, I'm writing the last chapter! I've honestly learnt so much from writing this and hopefully you guys have enjoyed reading it as much as I have loved writing it. This will be last chapter unless you guys want an epilogue? But anyway, thanks so much guys for making writing this book amazing! Thanks to all the people who vote and write lots of comments (They've been making me laugh so much). I most likely will be starting a new book withing the next few weeks our months (It won't be a Harry Potter fan-fiction) But if you like this book you can try my next book if you like :) Without further ado here it is...

Harry POV

After months of having my parents, godfather and Remus here, I never want them to leave back to 1977. My heart is breaking at the thought of it, but I conceal my fear with a forced grin. I have had the best time these past few weeks, and I never want it to end.

"Hey Harry, we're going outside. Wanna come?" My dad shouts, standing in the doorway.

"Yep!" I grab my coat and we both run out the door to catch up to the others outside.

We run to the courtyard, which is layered in a thick blanket of snow. Small snowflakes lay upon me and melt against my skin within seconds of landing. Looking I see my mum and my four best friends lying on the ground swaying along the powdered ice. Upon seeing my dad and I entering the courtyard they gaze at us and motion there icy red hands for us to come over to them. My dad jogs over to Sirius and Remus and slings two arms over there shoulders, pushing them down nearly into the snow.

"Hey Prongs!" My godfather says. He ignores him and walks over to my mum, pulling her into his chest, and nuzzling his face in her hair. Meanwhile Sirius is grabbing a chunk of snow and sneakily walks behind him placing snow down his coat. watching it happen Ron and Remus struggle to hold their throttles of laughter and sound like two gossiping girls.

"I don't think you're gonna have a Godfather for much longer Harry," Hermione whispers to me with a humorous tone. 

Before I can agree with her statement I here a high pitched scream,  from my dad now jumping like he has ants in his pants. The while Sirius is lying on his back not bothering to hide his continuous laughter, I don't even think he is breathing by this point. As soon as the snow tipped out of his coat, dad shakes himself off as threatens in a deadly tone with a small smile, "I'd watch your back if I were you, Padfoot. 

Sirius actually looks terrified out of his mind as he gets up and sprints away, leaving his black Hogwarts coat on the ground to around me. 

"Don't let him kill me, I'm to young to die!" I shove him off from behind me just as my dad aim the snowball towards him in my direction. Dad blanks out, only focus on revenge to Sirius; who is now standing behind my mum. 

The ball of ice leaves my dad's hands to then find my mum's face, which now has a horrified facial expression sewn into it. 

My Dad's freezing, knowing he has just unlocked the wrath of Lily Potter.

"I so sorry Lily Flower! I didn't mean to, please forgive me!" Man he's so whipped. But by this point it time, my mum is already aiming a snowball in his direction. Just as she throws it,swinging towards him, it spots her and ducks last minute. Hitting Remus. God, when will the cycle ever end.

"it's on!" He shouts.

We fought, build forts and dosed each other in ice. Laughter filled the freezing air as snow flew in clumps; it was the best day I've had in awhile. Snow started to fall gently onto our coated bodies, but along with the snowflakes, golden sparks fell as well.

Lily POV

Golden sparks fell and swirled around James, Sirius, Remus, Marlene and I. The particles shimmered under the bright, winter sun. It was our time to go, the dust is time turner dust. A lone tear slipped down my cheek, knowing we were leaving him helpless in this cruel world.

"What's going on?!" Harry whispers, though deep down I know he has figured out what it is.

"I'm sorry Harry," I tell him, my heart shattering yet again.

We love you son," James says,wrapping an arm around my shoulder and squeezing me tight. The action makes more tears spill down my face.

"NOOOO! Please, please not again. I just got you back," he sobbed and ran towards the four of us. 

I clung onto him, knowing I would never see him grow up, get a job, or even marry Ginny. My legs and arms started to fade along with my friends from the past.

"See you later Harry," Remus smile with tears welling in his eyes.

"Sayonara mini Prongs!" Sirius said with a forced smile on his face. While Marlene gave them a salute, which the three weakly returned.

"Take care of him," I say as I glance at Hermione, who had tears streaming down her face, and Ron who wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Be strong Harry, we love you," 

"Love you too," Which is the last thing I hear before darkness surrounds me.


"Lily, Lily, wake up. We're back," Marlene shakes me, as I wake groggily. I rub my eyes before adjusting to the candlelight of the halls of Hogwarts. The five of us were scattered along the empty hallway. James and I caught eye contact both had joy mixed with sadness, knowing we had gained our previous life back with the loss of our son Harry.

I snapped my head towards the other end of the corridor when I heard a relieved voice. 

"Lily, Marlene!" My friend Alice shrills as she comes bounding towards us, where we meet halfway and gave her a large bear hug.

"Where have you been?!" She demands. Well Neville obviously  got his quietness from Frank. 

We giggled, while she finally noticed that three of the marauders joined us in our little.

"James, Sirius, Remus," she nods at them, thinking I was still on bad terms when I was  far from it.

James wrapped an arm round my waist pulling me closer towards him.

"Have I missed something?" She tilts her head side wards in confusion, as we chuckle at her.

"Prongs, Padfoot, Mooney!" I hear Peter shout.

"Wormtail!" They shout back, as the group of mischief reunites. I feel bad for him missing out on the life changing adventure, but maybe it was for the best. Harry, Hermione nor Ron ever mentioned a fourth Marauder in the future; maybe he was just off travelling. Surely nothing could break their strong friendship? I guess we'll see.

I gazed around my friends and my newly found love of my life. If they never pushed me over causing the time turner to smash this never would have happened, but I'm happy it did.

The only problem is now, what am I going to tell Professor Mcgonegall?

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