Chapter 7 | "We're dead??"

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James POV

I woke up to the sound of chuckling. Opening my eyes I see Lily Evans with me, I think she is finally giving into my charms, considering the event earlier on. Except Dumbledore, Mcgongall and Snivellus, had to just come along and ruin it.

I look over to the noise of laughter to see, my two brothers, Padfoot and Mooney. I do wish Wormtail was here, I miss my shortest brother.

"Ssshhh!" I say, putting a finger up to my mouth. I glance over to Lily to see her stirring from her sleep. Hopefully she remembers what happened last night, or I'm dead.

"James?!?!" She yelped in surprise. "Wait, where's Harry gone?!" More laughing came from the Remus and Sirius. Lily gave them a glare, at the same time blushing as pink as her hair. I smirked at this.

"Lily and James sitting in a tree -," I jumped up quickly shut my hand over his mouth.

"It's not like that! Harry was here... Where's he gone?!?!" She shouted, worry rising in her voice at each word.

We Both jumped up, and started looking all over the castle. Padfoot and Mooney helped too. we decided to split up, Mooney and Padfoot, and Lily and I.

I could see Lily getting worried for Harry, so I took her hand in mine. She smiled up at me, and to my surprise gripped harder. I guess in these dark times you can never know what will happen.

"I know where he will be!" I said as I sprinted up the stairs, dragging Lily along. I'm shocked I didn't think of it before.

Harry and I are very similar, so I suspect he will be up in the astronomy tower. I know when I'm upset I hate showing people, it makes me feel weak. So whenever I am sad or stressed, I go and hide there, most of the time it's about Lily.

We climbed the many flights of stairs, only to see Harry sitting on the ledge, dangling his feet off.

"Let me talk to him," I whispered in Lily's delicate ear. She nodded.

I walk over, careful not to make any sudden movements. Gently I lay a hand on my son's shoulder, he looks up at me, tears glistening in his eyes, Lily's eyes.

"Hey..." He sniffles, quickly trying to hide his tears.

"I understand Harry..." I said before I got cut off.

"No you don't! No you don't! You don't know what it's like to have your dead parents here right in front of you! You don't know what it's like living with the Dursley's under the stairs, sometimes no food for a week! You don't understand what it's like to have no parents for your whole life, and get teased for it! You don't!" Harry shouted, now sobbing uncontrollably into his hands.

I was frozen in place, staring at Lily. She seemed to be frozen too. The love of my life and I die, before we can raise our son, I feel terrible.

"I'm so sorry Harry..." Lily came up and whispered to us. "We love you."

We engulfed Harry in a hug, and just sat there for what seemed like eternity.

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