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Marlene POV


Lily was rushing round the room, stuff flying everywhere. I swear a hairbrush hit me.

Why is she panicking may you ask? I organised a plan for her and James.

James every single hogsmede weekend asks Lily out in a date, so my plan is for Lily to say yes. She is trying to find the perfect outfit for her non official date today. As you can see, it's chaos.

"But Marls what happens if he thinks I look messy, too proper? We have to get this look just right!!!" She said loudly, her breathing speeding up.

"Stop, stop, stop! Let the master do her work!" I said, as she sat on her bed trying to calm herself.

I flicked through some clothes, landing upon a grey woollen long sleeved winter dress, that went down to to the ankles.

"Ta-da!!" I lay the outfit in front of me, including some ankle boots

Lily looked at the outfit in awe.

"Thank you Marls!!!" She yelled giving me a hug.

"No problems Lils, now go get ready for you in official date!!"


James POV

Today was hogsmede day. I really want to ask Lily, but in my experience it only leads to her yelling at me. I have took Remus's advice after years of me asking her, and Im not going to ask her today. I'm going to give her some time to see the real me, the not bullying and not arrogant me.

"Come on Padfoot, Prongs!" Mooney shouted.

We made our way down to the great hall, I was feeling confident today. Lily would finally be able to see the good side of me.

We sat down. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were sat a couple seats down, huddling in a group glaring at us.

"Hey Guys!" Marlene jumped into the seat beside me.

"Hey Daniel, Marcus, James," She said, lingering on my name. She fluttered her eyelashes at me, and was dressed up all fancy. What is up with her today? It was almost as if she is flirting with me? Nah, probably just a misread of emotion.

Lily sat down on the other side of the table, her red hair draping over face, her face going red.

"Well.... who's excited for hogsmede today??" I said awkwardly laughing. Marlene gave me a expecting glare. Why were they acting so strange?

"Me!!" Padfoot over excitedly yelled. Remus nodded, a mouthful full of food.

"Wahoo! Let's go! I want lollies!" I yelled excitedly. A frown appeared on Lily's face.

"Yeah, let's go," she sounded as if someone had smashed her heart with a hammer.

Lily POV


"Yeah, let's go," I mumbled, my heart shattered into a million pieces.

We walked the way to the carriages in silence. James was looking at me weirdly, he knew something was up, but I really couldn't care less anymore.

I saw just before we got in the cart, James pulled Marlene aside. Angry whispering was heard, before Marlene sighed and came in.

"Don't worry Lil, I didn't say anything," She whispered, I flicked her a small smile.

Soon after a short carriage ride, we got hogsmede.

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