Chapter 12 | Snivellus teaches potions?!"

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Ginny, Harry, Ron, Hermione and I, were walking away from Draco, while laughing hysterically.

"D-did y-ou se-e his f-ac-e," Ron said through gasps of chuckling. We giggled even more. All I could is that I had to tell James. Wait 'James?!?' When did I start calling him James?! Am I falling for him?? Noooo, this can be happening, I won't let it!

"Are you okay lily?" Hermione asked, she must have seen the panic on my face.

I shake my head, trying in vain to rid the thoughts of James from my brain. He was so sweet last night, handsome and-Lily stop!

Just the. I had realised I hadn't answered Hermione's question.

"Oh yeh, fine I guess," I smile fakly, hiding my new found knowledge. She frowns, but leaves the topic.

"Hello, Granger, Weasley, Weasley, Potter and Po-Williams," Minnie says as she comes past handing us our timetables. "Missed you at breakfast, I hope you will be there from now on?" She raises an eyebrow, we nod. She nearly called me Potter, it is going to take a lot of adjusting to get used to being called Lily Potter.

"Thanks Professor," Hermione regards, and we nod. Minnie walks off, leaves us in her footsteps.

I look down at my timetable. I get as far as potions, when I start sprinting.

"Where are you going Lily?" Ron yells. I ignore them.

I finally reach the great hall, and catch The boys eyes. They have just looked up from their timetable.

"Snivellus teaches potions?!" Sirius and James shout rudely. (AN. Did I spell Snivellus right?)

I nod in shock, even though I found out the information before them. I jog up to them.

I see Severus glaring at the group of boys, in annoyance.

"20 points from Gryffindor, for being obnoxious," Snape shouted from across the hall. James pocked his tongue at Snape, and he did it back.

I rolled my eyes and nudged James in the ribs, boys are so immature.

"Speaking of potions and professors," I glare at James and Sirius. "We better get going before we're late."

"Deer, Deer, Potter," Sirius whispering the last bit in my ear. "Since when were we ever early to class, especially with him!" Facing Snape.

"Since you and Potter bought us to the future! Now come on!" I whisper-shouted.

They cracked up.

"WHAT!" Shouting, I was getting annoyed now.

"It-s just, you didn't deny being called Potter, it could have been Prongs he was talking to, but you just assumed it was you!" Remus said, gasping through his giggles.

I blushed furiously, man I'm stupid!!


"Don't deny it Lily we all heard it!" Sirius mocked.

I roll my eyes, I am still the colour of my hair, "Just hurry up!" I say, walking out of the great hall, the
boys at my heels.

"Whatever you say Evans" I look back to see James smirking at me, still in hysterics.


Hi guys!

Sorry I am terrible at updating 😕 Please forgive me! I hope you like this chapter! 💗💗💗

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