Heart breaks

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Hermione POV

After our rough encounter with the other group, I didn't know what to think. Harry was crying, Ron was making stupid jokes and I walked in thought.

"We have to go to Dumbledore," Ron said, it was the first smart thing he said in a while.

I like him a lot, but let's admit he's not the smartest of the bunch.

"Won, won!!" I turned around to see the one and only Lavender Brown.

"Hi Lavender," Ron said dreamily, then kissing her full on the lips. Ugh they make me want to vomit.

Harry saw the sadness in my eyes and took my hand, leading me to Dumbledore.

Once we were far enough away from the disgusting couple, Harry said, "You ok?" It was nice try of Harry, but does he think I'm ok?!?!

"Is this how you feel Harry?? When you see Dean and Ginny? I've seen the way you look at her,"

He sighed, and nodded his head slowly. A tear shead out of his eye, Harry never cried, so today must have been really tough on him. I hooked my arm with his, and I lay my head on his hard shoulder. He was like a brother to me, and I knew I was like a sister to him.

"Harry!!! Mione!!" I turned harshly thinking it was Ron, but it was just my best friend Ginny Weasley with her boyfriend Dean Thomas.

I'm pretty sure she was planning to break up with him, they fought a lot. She talked to me about it back up in my dorm, saying how much everything just wasn't working out. That he was nice, but something was just missing.

Harry eyes lit up on the sight of Ginny, then he focused on Dean and his eyes brimmed with tears. He already had enough drama today without having to deal with Ginny and Dean.

"Ginny, I thought we were going to go to the common roommmm" Dean moaned.

"I just wanted to see my friends first," Ginny said with a tinge of annoyance in her voice. Dean didn't notice.

He hooked his arm with Ginny's, to show Harry Ginny was his. She smiled up at him, and kissed his cheek. Something was going on with Ginny and I was gonna find out. Whilst Harry looked in pain, I know how he felt.

"How are you guys?" Ginny asked too cheerily.

"Not to good, and to be honest it's none of your business," I smiled sarcastically, while grabbing Harry's hand and stalking off. I knew she was doing it purposely to upset Harry, and that made me angry.

Even though she is my best friend, Harry is as well. And if she is just gonna try and hurt him on purpose, I'm not gonna stand by and deal with that. Harry let out a sob, so I draped my arm over his shoulder, pulling him close to me.

"Thanks Mione," Harry mumbled, giving me a sad smile.

Ginny POV (earlier)

I saw Harry and Hermione up ahead, here was a chance to put my plan into action. I've heard from around the school Harry likes me, so maybe if I show how 'happy' I am with Dean, I can see if that rumours true.

The truth is I want to break up with Dean and be with Harry. But I'm scared, and if Harry doesn't actually like me, it could hurt my heart even more. I don't need to break up with Dean,  and then to find out Harry doesn't like me, at the same time.

I planning the break up for Friday which is three days from now. So if Harry doesn't like me, my heartbreak can be spread out.

Truth is I have never fully gotten over Harry, he is so brave, kind, and handsome. I don't even care if he is the chosen one or not, I just want him for who he is.

"Harry!!! Mione!!" I yell.

I saw Hermione turn harshly, making me know something had happened to today, probably something to do with my idiotic brother.

"Ginny, I thought we were going to go to the common roommmm" My boyfriend moaned.

I just wanted to see my friends first," I said annoyed, I hoped no one noticed. Dean can be so grumpy. He didn't notice my annoyed tone, and just hooked his arm with mine.

I remembered my plan and smiled up at him, kissed him on cheek.

I snook a look at Harry. Tears brimmed his eyes, he looked like he was in extreme pain. My plan is not working out, I didn't want him to get this hurt, all I wanted to know is if he liked me.

Trying to patch things up I said, "How are you guys??"

Hermione noticed how weird I was acting, and scowled.

"Not to good, and to be honest it's none of your business," she said, grabbing Harry's hand and walking off. I heard a sob from Harry as they walked off.

What had I done?


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