Another time traveller

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Lily POV

I was walking down the Hogwarts corridors, after the incident occurring only minutes before. The scene playing over and over in my head. I didn't deny it, cause I couldn't. I loved him, which to me was undeniable. My feelings have just grown since we came to this time, I'm no longer sure of myself. I just wish I had someone to talk about this to, it's so overwhelming.

That's when I heard a massive "CRASH!" Up ahead. I ran my wand out in front of me, and adrenaline cording through my veins.

I turned the next corner, only to find a pile stuff, with a girl in the middle rubbing her head.


"MARLENE!" I shouted, while sprinting towards my best friend.

Her head popped up from amongst the rubble.

"Lily? LILY!" I ran, and hugged her, we were both jumping up and down in joy.

"How did you get here??" I inquired.

"Well, I was walking down the hall looking for you, and I saw a glowing thing. My instincts said touch it, then there I was tumbling out of a cupboard!"

"Well I'm glad you here, I've been wanting to talk to you," I said.

"Ooo gossip! But before we get to that, where actually are we?!?!"

"Right about that...."

I explained everything that had happened since the Marauders and I arrived here. I left out my feelings for James though, as any moment someone could over hear.

"So what I'm hearing is that Sirius is here?" She said, hardly containing her excitement.

Her and Sirius had both liked each other for millennium, but neither had the courage to ask the other out.

Just as I was about to say something I hear a shout from across the corridor.

"Marlene?" Sirius questioned.

Marlene ran up to him, and gave him a massive bear sized hug.

"Sirius! James! Remus!" After finally letting go of Sirius, see hugs Remus, then lastly James.

James and Marlene has known each other since they were in diapers. They were like brother and sister.

"How did you get here?" James asked. I groaned knowing we would have to explain the entire story again.

Marls happily told them the story.

"Woah!!! That's awesome!!" Sirius and James said in awe. I caught James's eye, awkward silence filled the hallway as I remembered the situation only hours ago. Finally I managed to break contact from his gorgeous hazel eyes, to face Marlene. She stared at me knowing something was up between us.

"Well... me and my best friend have a lot of catching up to do, so bye!" I awkwardly said. There were many objections, but I grabbed Marls by the arm and dragged her away before we could hear any.


We finally reached the common room, I dragged her up the stairs, and collapsed on my bed.

"Well, what happened between you and James?!" She exclaimed expectantly.

"Well..." I told her everything, from Harry, to the night in the infirmary, to him saving me, and to the situation that happened only two hours ago.

"Oh my god!! You like James!!" She shouted, I shut my hand over her mouth.

"I actually think I might like him...." I said, going really quiet.

"What did you say?" She said a sly grin on her face, I know she heard me.

"You heard me! I'm not repeating that!" I laughed

"Ha ha your right, but if you like him, what are you going to do?? Are there any Hogsmede trips coming up?"

"There's actually one coming this weekend?" I said questioning myself. It wasn't like me to talk about boys in this way, especially James Potter.

I mischievous grin appeared on her face, "I've got a plan."

I'm regretting telling her already.


I am sooooooo sorry for not updating guys!! I had a speech, drama performance, two tests, and massive lacrosse game. I will try to update more often!!!!!

I hope you guys like it, and if you do please keep voting and commenting. It makes my day coming onto Wattpad and seeing a vote or a comment!! 🥰

Thanks so much guys!!

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