Chapter 9 | Mrs Potter and Sirius's Black hair

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James POV

We stood there hugging and crying for a few minutes. Then I decided if we don't have long, let's make the most of it.

"Hey Harry, wanna hear a joke??" I said

"James, not now..." Lily said in a low tone growl. Harry nodded.

"What do you call a deer with no eyes?"Harry shrugged."A no idea!!" I said laughing.

It seemed to cheer Harry up, as he started chuckling too. Even Lily cracked a giggle, and that's a momentous occasion.

"Come on Potter's, no point sulking all day! We've got a while here! Let's go down to breakfast!" Lily said, then she came up to me and whispered in my ear,"don't tell Remus and Sirius, promise?"

"Promise," I said quietly back, making sure Harry didn't hear.

We arrived down at the great hall, and sat next to Padfoot, Moony, Hermione and Ron.

"Harry!!" Hermione shouted,"We were so worried, never scare us like that again!" They both engulfed him in a hug. It's nice to know that even though our son doesn't have us, he has two amazing best friends.

"Where was Harry," Remus asked me.

"The astronomy tower"

"Ohhh," Remus and Sirius said, knowing that's where I go when I'm upset, so they didn't question further.

"It's nice to have you back Mr and Mrs Potter," said Sirius, slinging an arm over Lily and I's shoulders. I smirked at the name Padfoot had given Lily.

"I AM NOT MRS POTTER!" She screeched. The whole hall turned to look at us. Evans blushes and took extreme interest in her shoes.

"Hahah, but you are in this time, Lily Potter!" Sirius Joked, I grinned so wide. Lily Potter, I like the sound of that!

Before I knew it though, my Lily has hexed Padfoot, giving him pink hair.


"Sirius I never knew James's mum came with us, where is she?" Lily said smirking, I cracked up laughing, I had never heard so much sarcasm in one sentence.

"Alright, fine!!! I'm sorry, Miss Evans please change my hair back!" Padfoot pleaded. With a flick of her wand lily changed Sirius's hair back to normal.

"Good boy, now run along now with Prongs and Moony," she joked.

"Hmph" Sirius turned around with a flick of his hair, dragging us off with him. Lily smirked at me, I smiled and shrugged back, and went to hang out with my brothers.


Hey guys!

Do you want me to continue with this story?? I feel like it's not very good... Let me know your thoughts!

From, 112112321 💗🥳🌈

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