Chapter 2 | 1996

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"Oh my gosh, James what have you done!?!?!" I shouted, I was so angry. We could be 100 years in the future for aught I know, and it's all his fault.

"You called me James??" He stated, although it came out as a question. "Plus your still on me".

I quickly got off, blushing as red as my hair. While he just smirked, and looked over at his friends, who were holding back a chuckle.

"Hey look at this on the table," Sirius said while hushering us over. The daily prophet lay on the table.

Daily prophet - 1996

"Well anyone want to see our future kids?" Sirius joked, while giving Potter a high five.

"Sirius Orian Black, we are staying out of sight, you hear me?! If you don't I will personally attend your funeral!!!!" I said sounding like my mother.

Black was terrified, and looked to Remus and Potter for help.

"You just got schooled by my girl Padfoot!" James laughed. Remus and I chuckled along too, till I realised what he said.

"Your girl Potter? Your girl?!?! No sir, I would rather go out with the giant squid!" I scolded. Lupin and Black laughed even harder, they were now on the floor.

"Padfoot! Moony!" Potter said with a hint of hurt in his voice.

"Sorry Prongs, but that was just hilarious!!" Sirius said in between gasps of laughter.

After a minute Sirius and Remus were able to pull themselves together, and got up. James ruffled Sirius's hair, causing a very, I mean VERY upset Black.

"DON'T TOUCH MY HAIR!!!!" Black screamed, his voice going so high and loud that he has probably awoken the whole of the common room.

We all laughed, although the giggles came to a sudden stop, when footsteps tracked down the stairs.

A boy with raven black hair, round wired shaped glasses, and emerald green eyes, stepped down the steps from the boys dormitories, dragging his feet behind him. I almost mistoke him for James, except the boy's eyes weren't hazel, they were green.

Potter must have notice his look alike, because he looked like a deer in front of headlights. Black and Lupin seemed just as shocked.

James's carbon copy spoke, " What's all the yelling about, some of us are trying to sleep you know, wait who are you? " he finally looked up, with a confused gleam.

I was the first to recover from the event, " Sorry about that, I'm Lily Williams, this is James Brown, Daniel Black, and Marcus Lupin." I said hoping the boys would get the message and continue with my cover story.

"We're exchange students from Ilvermorny," Remus Lupin stated continuing.

"Awesome! Although next can you try not to wake the whole tower? Oh by the way I'm Harry, Harry Potter".

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