Chapter 10 | Dumbledore's office and Ginny Weasley

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Hey guys, sorry for not writing for a while!! I can't believe it 108 reads and 6th in #lilyevans!!! Thanks so much! 💗💗


Lily POV

About an hour later, James, Sirius, Remus and I, made our way to Dumbledore's office.

"Sherbet lemon," I mumbled and we trotted up the stairs.

Nothing had changed. Fawkes was still perched happily on his stick, the pensive still lying in the corner, and Dumbledore still sitting in his wooden chair.

I had been here a lot, especially when Potter decided sending love howlers to me would be a good idea. It was so embarrassing!!

"Ahhhh hello my present students, or should I say past," He said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, while tilting down his glasses.

"I suppose your wondering why I called you, hmm?" Dumbledore asks, we all nod simultaneously.

"Ahhh well, here are your timetables. You will go by your fake names, you hear me?? Imagine the outbreak..." he mumbles the last bit, meaning for us not to hear.

"Ummm professor, what about Harry he knows our identities?" I questioned.

"Well I suppose we should erase his memories along with his friends... tell them to come up here will you???"

"Yes headmaster," Potter said, I gaped at him, with wide eyes.

He chuckles and says, "I can be polite you know?!" I shake my head riding all my thoughts swirling with James Potter, and laugh.

"Off you kids go now, that's all, goodbye," Dumbledore said. We all numbered 'bye' and went back down the staircase.

I don't know what to think of James now, he was so sweet to me last night, and not to mention Harry. Maybe he wasn't such an arrogant toerag, maybe he was just a fifteen year old idiot and he's grown out of it. Oh god, I falling for James Potter! I can't though I'm Lily, he's James, I'm mean't to hate the handsome, kind, sweet, funny....

"LILY STOP!" I yell out loud.

Everyone turns to stare at me, including James.

"Having conflicting thoughts about me Evans?" James smirks.

"No!" I yell, while quickly lowering my head to try and hide my blush. I need Marlene!! She would be able to help me with this!

"Ok..." James says with a frown, maybe he actually likes me? Nah it's probably just a joke, because I'm the only girl in school which won't go out with him.

"You sure?" Sirius cheekily points out, raising his eyebrows and smirking. I nod my head rapidly, before he walks of chuckling to join James further up. They walk away.

"Hey Lily?" I turn around to see Remus.


"Just know I'm here for you if you need to talk, I know it must be hard without Marlene to talk too. Although you probably don't want to talk to me... but just to let you know, if you need to talk I won't tell." Remus smiles kindly, he was slightly nervous too, which I don't understand. Remus and I have been best friends for years, but I guess I understand why, talking about James around me was a touchy subject.

"Thanks Remus, I'm ok for now though," I smile.

"Sure Lily, sure..." he laughs lightly. I nudge him with my elbow, and giggle.

When we get back to the great hall, we see James and Sirius already talking to Harry and His friends. The group walk off, and we take there seats. I sit next to Sirius, with James opposite me.

We start chatting, I turn around to my side when I hear, "Hey, you must be new, I'm Ginny Weasley by the way. Do you sorta, ummmmm, wanna be friends?" A red headed girl stutters, on the last sentence. I open my eyes wide. I've made a friend on my first day in the future!

"Yeh I would love too!" I say enthusiastically.

Ginny lets out a big wide grin.


Hey guys, I know you will upset it's not Hermione... she will be later in the story! I just thought it would be cool to have Ginny get to know her future mother in law, she never meets! ❤️🧡💛❤️🧡💛❤️🧡💛

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