"You have no idea,"

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Hermione POV

"I broke up with Dean,"

"What!!" We all shouted at dean simultaneously. After we all returned from rescuing Lily, all was well. James and Lily's relationship, was strong, and they pretty much spent their every living moment together. Sirius and Marlene both like each other but refuse to admit it in fear of rejection. It's not like We haven't tried to convince Marls that he likes her numerous times, because honestly I don't think anyone could try much harder. I sure they will both come around at some point. While relationships have been blossoming Remus has been studying for exams a lot, meaning we haven't seen him much, but I still see him joking around a lot with the boys. Straight after the mission Ron finally broke it off with lavender, claiming her to be way too clingy. He's now got tons of free time, so I've been spending most of my time with him, meaning my feelings have only grown for him. Not that I will ever admit that to him. Harry on the other hand has been having the time of his life, with his parents, Sirius and Remus, although he always still makes sure he has time to ogle Ginny. Their both so head over heals for each other it's a miracle neither one of them has noticed.

But right now we are having a girls night; Lily, Ginny, Marlene and I are in the girls dormitories on our beds.

"Why?" Marlene questions.

"I found out something," she says hesitantly, we all nod our heads signalling for her to continue. "I still like Harry." she says blushing as red as a strawberry. We all scream, and Marlene chucks a pillow at Ginny hitting her straight in the face. She tumbles off her bed laughing.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! It's basically tradition that Potters marry a redheads! My ship is sailing!" Marlene screams jumping up and down. She is just like Sirius.

"Ginny and Harry sitting in a tree-" She says while running down the stairs towards the common room.

"No Marelene!!" Ginny shouts, and sprints after her, leaving me and Lily.

We sit there awkwardly for around ten seconds before Lily speaks up.

"Hermione, I never got a chance to thank you, you've helped my son through so much, when I h-haven't been there and I-" she stutters, and she starts tearing up. I walk over an hug her.

"I'm sorry, it must be hard knowing what will happen, but I promise I'll keep Harry safe, he's like the brother I've never had," I say, while she cries silently into my shoulder.

"He's so lucky to have friends like you and Ron," Lily says. "I feel happy to be able to leave knowing he has you guys". I smile slightly, ensuring her silently that I will protect Harry with my life. He's the savior of the wizarding world, my best friend and most importantly, my brother.

"Now come on, lets see if Marlene succedding in telling Harry," we both chuckle, and follow the path the others took.

As soon as we step off the last stair we hear an amused voice.

"Who's kissing in a tree?" James asks, smirking. I'm pretty sure he, Sirius and Remus, by the look on there faces, knows it's Harry and Ginny. On the other hand Harry looked completely confuzled, with a hint of amusement at how flustered Ginny was.

"Uh-uh n-no one," she stutter, her cheeks profoundly red. "You must of heard her wrong," her hand still covering Marlene's mouth to stop her from saying else embarrassing.

"Oh, because if I didn't know M any better, I'd say she was talking about you and Harry," Sirius says with a slight chuckle at the end. I hold a snort, while the three boys burst into buckets of laughter, and Harry looks like he's a deer in headlights (A.N pun not intended haha).

Ginny parts her mouth in shock, and her eyes take up half her face. Red creeps up her neck, while she looks down at her feet which are turned inwards.

"N-no," she desperately tries to defend herself, while  not even daring to spare a glance at Harry.

"No need to be shy Ginny, we approve," a smirk creeps onto his face, at his future daughter in laws' embarrassment. By then Lily is behind him, and smacks him upside of his head.

"What?" He laughs.

"Leave the poor girl," she scolds. James rolls his eyes playfully, which she sees and smacks him again, laughing. He holds his hands up in defence, and murmurs something to Lily, before lightly kissing below her ear and suddenly pulling her into his lap. His face nuzzles into the crook of her neck, and she sighs relaxing into his embrace. Harry's parents have  something rarely anyone ever has. True love.

Apparently at some point Harry had come out of his trance, and spoke to Ginny nervously, "don't worry, I like you too,"

He stood from the chair he was sitting in, lightly kissed her. The whole common room stopped and cheered. They finish leaving their foreheads presses  against each others, grinning widely.

Harry has finally gotten everything he's wanted, and what he deserved.

Abruptly the door to the Gryffindor common room bursts open, revealing Ron with a large red and gold cake. 

"Now who wants cake," he shouts, and all of the students run to him and the cake in response - of course he was off getting food when all the drama happens. I wouldn't even be surprised if he would to have grabbed a chicken cake with his addiction to chicken.

Everyone scrambled and pushed to get some cake. Ron wanders through the crowd over to me, finishing off his piece of cake. A little bit of icing lay under the right of his lip.

"What did I miss?" He questions. I face him, and before I know it I stick my finger out and wipe the icing off his face, and bring it back and lick it off my thumb. I stare into his eyes, and laugh.

"You have no idea," we both smile.

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