Chapter 5 | My beautiful son Harry

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Lily POV

I woke up from my slumber to find, Harry lying against my legs and James in the chair beside me. Both were sleeping.

"James" I slurred as I slowly started to wake up. I rubbed my eyes to help adjust my vision, and looked at the clock. It was two in the morning, I hope I didn't wake him up now. Then I realised that I fainted at six am yesterday! They both must have stayed all night.

"Lily!"James bolted upright."Are you ok, do you need water, food, a book??" He worriedly said.

"Ssshhhh" I exclaimed, pressing my finger against his lips. I motioned over to Harry.

"Opps, sorry," He whispered, putting his hand through his hair nervously. I giggled.

"He's wonderful isn't he?" I said glancing at Harry. James nodded.

"I can't believe you stayed here all night with me, and Harry. It was very sweet," I mumbled the last bit, hoping he wouldn't hear. Of course he did though he had ears like an elephant. I took a sudden interest in my hands , examining every inch, while trying to hold my blush.

I looked up, expecting him to smirk, but he just showed a genuine smile. His smile made me feel special, like there was nobody left in the world but us. He made me shiver, and sent butterflies through my stomach. I don't think I could ever live without him. 'Stop Lily! Your going mad, you can't like him, he's a aroggent toerag!' I argued to myself. 'But he's a handsome toe rag, you end up marrying so he can't be that bad.'

James lifted my chin up with his fore finger, forcing me to look into his gorgeous hazel eyes. 'God help me, I'm falling in love with James potter, hard.'

He looked at me with compassion, sorrow and happiness all at once, making me go numb. Before I know I was leaning in, and he was too. I closed my eyes ready for impact, then "BANG".

The whole hospital wing echoed with noise, as the old wooden door flung open. James and I jumped apart, both blushing as red as tomato's.

Harry jumps out of bed, in fear, wand gripped tightly in his fingers. I have him a worrying glance and picked my wand up too, as well did James.

"Lumos," I said, while trying to keep calm for Harry and James. You never know what can happen in these dark times, even at Hogwarts.

Light shot out of my wand. I spotted Professor Dumbledore, McGonagall, and was that? No. Severus.

I breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that we were not faced with death eaters.

Dumbledore and Minnie seemed to be arguing about something. While Snape seemed to be in a space of shock, just following behind, like a lost duckling.

Harry and James put there wands away, almost on sync, they were so similar. Although it seemed the Harry was a lot less arrogant and more humble then his father.

Finally Dumbledore noticed is staring at them.

"Ahhh, hello my students, thought I would be seeing you soon," Dumbledore said in his wise and calm voice.

"What?" James stuttered, I suppose he was still frozen from the bang of the door opening suddenly, and the event before that.

"Well it's not every day four students go missing for the whole of sixth year, is it?"

"We're gone for a year?!?! James...." I growl.

"You called me James again, ha!" He laughed in happiness, I looked down. I really needed to pull it together, I can't keep making name mistakes!

"Anyways, I just needed to mention, come to my office in the morning after breakfast," Dumbledore said."Mind you, just you four." Harry looked disappointed, although James and I nodded.

"Ok then goodbye Harry, Lily and James" Dumbledore turned to head out the door.

"Goodbye, it was so nice to see you again," Mcgongall said, her eyes were watering, I wonder why though. I glanced at Snape expecting him to say goodbye, not that I wanted the slime ball to. The professor nudged him out of his frozen state. He shook his head and said quietly

"Goodbye... Lily." And walked out, his black, long cloak billowing behind him.

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