"I don't know what I've done!"

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James POV

"I still don't know what I've done!" I loudly whispered, to Sirius and Remus.

"How don't you know?! You can't have done something without knowing," Padfoot screeched. He was annoyed because his long time crush refused to talk to him, before I had fixed what I had done. They only problem was I had no idea!

"I asked Marls, but she wouldn't tell me!! All she said was 'I can't believe you forgot, you idiot!'" My voice raspy from whisper shouting.

Sirius huffed, and turned around.

"Until you can figure out what you've done wrong. I'm not talking to you either Prongs."

"Seriously?! Ughhh" I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"I'll try and talk to Lily," Remus said before turning around and getting out of the cart, to talk to Lily.

I turn to face out the window, deep in thought, trying to figure out where I went wrong.


I'm so sorry readers!! I've been so busy with school, and have had writers block. I am currently in the stages of figuring out where to go next with this book, and would appreciate suggestions so much. So sorry again, this is a short chapter. I promise by the end of the week, there will be a long, nice, dramatic chapter!!!!

I would also love if you tried my new book I've started writing - Summer Mason - it would mean everything to me if you could talk some time out of your day to read, vote, and comment on it! ❤️

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Please keep being wonderful people! 💗💗💗

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