Chapter 11 | White ferret

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"I'm Lily by the way, Lily Williams," I smiled.

"Awesome, do you want me to give you a tour of the castle?" Ginny said.

"That would be great!"I exclaimed.

We both hop out of sets and make our way towards the great, big, wooden door.

We walked and talked, while she showed me around Hogwarts. I already knew my way around here, probably better than she did, so my reactions were just an act.

"So... what made you move to Hogwarts?" Ginny asked.

"Well.." I said, while thinking up an excuse. "Me and the boys, we used to live in Britain, and our parents are, well were close. One night they were having a dinner party at James's house, then death eaters attacked, an-and..." I stuttered trying to make it sound real.

"I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have asked.." she squeaked.

"No, it's fine,"

"May I ask, who are you living with now?"

"Marcus's grandparents took us all in... they're lovely really, but not the same..." I said, I didn't realise I was crying till a year rolled down my cheek.  This conversation just reminded me that I may never see my parents again, Marlene, or even Petunia!

Ginny hugged me. "I'm sure it will be ok, they wouldn't want you to cry. Just keep living your life, and be the wonderful person you are," she pulled back and gave me a smile.

"Thanks Ginny, I needed that,"

"Hey Ginny!" Harry shouted, while furiously blushing.

"Hi Harry," Ginny said while looking down at her feet as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. I made a note to ask Ginny about that relationship later.

"What am I? Dirt?!?" Ron questioned. Hermione nudged him.

"Who is this?" Hermione asked. I was confused for a  moment, then I remembered. Professor Dumbledore erased their memories!

"I'm Lily Williams, nice to meet you," I held my hand out for them to shake.

Hermione shook my hand first, "nice to meet you I'm Hermione Granger," the same happened with Ron.

"Hi Lily, I'm Harry, Harry Potter," it was weird shaking your sons hand who was the same age as you. I nodded in acknowledgment to him.

"Oh look who it is, the weasels, mudblood and Potter. And who might you be?" A white haired ferret asked me.

"I'm Lily Williams," I said glaring

"I'm Draco Malfoy," He is exclaimed, while holding out his hand for me to shake. I shook it. "What is a pure blood such as yourself hanging out with, these blood disgraces."

I was angry, so I said stubbornly "First things first, I am not a pure blood, second thing is they are not a disgrace if anything you are, third thing is, stop being a arrogant toerag, as if I would ever be friends with you!" I shouted while pointing my finger at his chest. As soon as I thought I had got the message across, I turned around, and whipped my fire coloured hair into his face.

The others stared at me in shock, but soon recovered and followed me chuckling.


Omg, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long! I have had writers block 😕 Hope you guys a having a great day!! Tell me if I have gotten any of my facts wrong!

From, 112112321 🥳💗🌈

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