A little fight with Snape (notice my sarcasm)

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James POV

The marauders (besides Peter), Lily, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I walked in to the potions classroom. I sat in the front with Sirius, Remus and Lily, while my son and his friends sat behind us.

I sat down on right to Sirius and surprisingly none other than the love of my dreams sat next to me. Her arm brushed mine, sending tingles up my spine.

"Hi," she said, while getting her books out.

"Hi," my voice croaked.

"You nervous?" I said after regaining my composure.

"If I'm honest... yes," she whispered, she faced me to look into my eyes. Gosh she was beautiful. I have to tell her, now was the perfect time to tell her I loved her.

"Lily I-," I started. I couldn't finished though because the door banged open. The sound of blinds being pulled down filled my ears. Lily quickly turned away while blushing at her books. I sighed.

Suddenly I hear a deep voice, "page 394."

I turned the front to face and tall, hooked nosed, greasy figure,glowering down on me. I glared up at him.

"Today we will be making amortenia," Snape sneered.

Hermione raised her hand.

"Yes miss Granger," he growled.

"Didn't we brew this last year?" She said out of curiosity.

"You dare question your professor? 15 points from Gryffindor." Snape yelled, before starting to explain the facts of amortenia.

I looked over the classroom, the first I noticed was Harry, rushing to scribble down what Snape was saying.

Meanwhile Snivelleus whipped is greasy hair around to face Harry.

"Potter! Are you listening!"

Ron nudged Harry out of his dazed state

"Yes Professor," why was Harry so polite to (in Evans words) an old toerag.

"I was just writing down the information you were giving us so I could remember." Yes definitely Lily's child. Snape sneered.

"Were you just? You liar," Severus shouted. "Arrogant, Rude, obnoxious, and lazy, just like your father," my hands were clenching at Snape's words. I tried to stand up, to tell him off, but Lily and Sirius held me down.

"My father was a hero!" Harry yelled, tears threatened to spill from his emerald eyes.

"He couldn't even live to raise his own son! What kind of hero and father is that?!" Snape growled loudly.

My fuse has ended.

"DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK TO HARRY LIKE THAT! " to my surprise it wasn't me, it was Lily.

"Yeh!! His father was the best, best friend anyone could ever wish for!" Padfoot said. When did he get so sentimental?

"I second it!" Remus added.

"And he has changed," Lily whispered. She thought I didn't hear her, but I did. I think she warming up to me.

"Yeh, don't take your history with James Potter out on Harry!" I finally exclaimed.

"Detention, all of you." He said grumpily, to Harry, Lily, Remus, Sirius, and I.

We all grumbled.

"Class dismissed, class is finishing early, due to some students bad behaviour,"

I poked my tongue out at Snivellus, and threw a leg locking curse on him on my way out.

This was going to be a long year having him as my teacher.


Hi guys, just realised that Snape is teaching defence 6th year, sorry about that 😕😕

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