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Harry POV

I look upon the house my parents used to call their home in Godrics hollow. After sending James, Albus off to Hogwarts and Lily and Ginny spending time together at home; I decided to come and revisit the place of my past.

All those years ago when I got to meet my parents and see Sirius and Remus again. The memory still sticks in my head, and never goes away. Even in a tough time in life, it was still one of the best.

I am now thirty seven years old, opening the squeaky black gate with my shaking hands. My stomach felt light with butterflies flying through it causing me to feel nauseous.

I came to finally gain closure on my Parents death along with Sirius and Remus. At least they are all together now.

I open the creaking door with a long squeak of the hinges, while stepping into my childhood home.

Cautiously I make my way up the rickety stairs, thoughts of them coming crashing down are run through my mind. Stop overthinking Harry.

'Stop acting like you're gonna find something, you're just here for closure,' I mumble to myself, shaking my head.

I finally reach my old nursery, which is covered in old frames that contain myself as a baby. Teddy bears lay on the torn and worn rug. I looked upon the room with a crest fallen expression, it shows my mum's struggle from years ago.

A lone tear fell down my cheek. I love them so much, why did they have to leave me. I keep telling myself they're together and happy, but I just wish it was with me.

Feeling overwhelmed I collapse on my hands and knees wheezing my panic breaths out.

After gathering myself back together, I spot a wand with swirled patterns in graves in the wood under my cot. I carefully recover it from underneath when a tattered cream piece of paper falls from over it.

Opening I read the neat handwriting, which was written with care and precision.

Dear Harry,

I sit here writing this note to you with you in my lap and James eagerly wanting to write the letter beside me, in hopes you will find and read this.

By the time you've found this I hope you're still in a happy relationship with Ginny (James says he ships it, and to be honest how can you not, you two are so cute). I'm also hoping I have grandchildren by now, if not get working! I hope you have a stable job, and Voldemort has been defeated, which I bet my life in you conquered (of course with help from your friends, give them our best wishes). While I write this, James is whisper yelling in the background, ' of course he did he's our son!' Your father sometimes haha... And I swear if Ron and Hermione aren't together I'm gonna cry, they are perfect for each other.

Anyways I guess we can tell you this in person, since after four constant years of hard work, James, Sirius. Remus and I worked out a way for us to return to you. The wand you have hopefully got in your hands will summon us from the times from right before we enter the afterlife, meaning we are not quite dead but technically still alive. It enables us to still make our needed sacrifices, but also allows us to be with you. The wand contains a griffins heart which is made of an amber coloured stone, anyways James says I rambling so I'll stop now. All you need to say is 'chimera'. But be careful you can only use it once for seven people.

We love you Harry, see you soon.

Mum and Dad x

Oh my god, I can get my parents, Sirius and Remus back? It's a dream come true. Happy tears roll down my face, as think of spending even more time than I have with them.

Who do I choose? I easily can choose four people: Mum, Dad, Sirius and Remus. But the fifth and sixth and seventh...I have lost so many people I don't know if the choice I want to make is the right one, that is until I think of the people of who it will affect and how happy it will make them.

"Chimera." I say clearly, raising the wand I was given into the air.

Swirls of amber crystals swarm around me, as the wand shatters. What happens if I just broke it?! I close my eyes in fear that I made a mistake and it would just bring on more unneeded heartbreak.

But when I hear a husky voice I open my eyelids to my Dad, Mum, Sirius, Remus, Marlene, Fred and Tonks.

"It worked Prongs, Mooney, Marlene and Lilyflower! It worked!" Sirius jumps into the air with a fist pump, while I stay frozen at the event that just occurred before me. Dad grins as Sirius and Remus give him a large bear hug, seeing as the haven't seen him in decades, well they may have seen each other in heaven, if that is real.

"Harry!!" They yell simultaneously. They sprint towards me giving my ageing form a hug.

"Mum, Dad, Sirius, Remus, Marlene, Fred, Tonks?" I question, tears now streaming down my thirty seven year old face. I don't even care that I'm a grown man crying, my parents and friends are here. George will have his brother back and Teddy will have his parents just in time for his wedding to Victorie.

"We're here Harry," My Mum mumbles in my ear. "We never left,"

"What is going on?!" Tonks says, obviously utterly confused at the situation.

"Ummm well..." Remus says nervously, rubbing the back of his head.

We all chuckle.

"Now what do I have to catch up on in my godson's  life? You better still be with Ginny, I ship it!" Sirius shouts and Fred shakes his head up and down in agreement.

I nod vigorously, while they cheer and laugh.

"Yes! The potters and redhead line continues!" Making my Mum slap him on the upside of the head, causing him to let out a yelp. Not hearing the usual loud chuckle in the background, I turn around in gaze of Sirius and Marlene along kissing as they reunite. And to top it off, Remus and Tonks are in the other side of the room doing the same thing!

"My eyes they're burning!" Dad shouts, in fight to annoy his best friends.

Sirius and Remus  both roll their eyes at my Dad, while Tonks and Marlene pull them along as the seven of us exit the house that is still in ruins. We spend the walk back to my house laughing as we recount stories of their past and mine.

It feels like they never even left.

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