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Childhood Sweetheart

December 21, 2017 my life changed for the worse. But let me take you all the way back to the beginning. My name is Janay I'm 23 years old. I married my childhood sweetheart Damian. We met when we were 10 years old, I was the new girl on the block, and I lived right across the street from Damian. It wasn't always the best encounter he always had a smart ass mouth. First day of school he sat beside me on the bus and asked "what's my name". I said "Janay". He told me my name was ghetto and I should change it. All I could do was roll my eyes, and then continue to look out the window.

Damian had curly brown hair with the cutest dimples I had ever seen and a smile that could light up a room. Even though he gave me butterflies with that smile I had to act mean towards him because he was always picking on me. Finally I arrived I ended up getting lost. After about 15 minutes I finally found my class. As soon as I walked in there Damian was sitting in the first row of desk smiling hard as fuck. He told me to sit next to him and though I was happy I didn't show it. I sat next to him very calm. First day of school wasn't bad, the lunch was nasty as shit. Before I knew it was time for us to go home. On the bus ride home Damian asked did I want to do our homework together, I told him sure I just had to ask my mom. She said "yea" and she didn't mind. While we did our homework together my mom baked us some cookies. Chocolate chip were my favorite. Finally we finished our homework; I tried so hard not to stare at his dimples. We ended up watching a few episodes of martin on BET. We talked a little bit about our lives and what made my mom and I move to Virginia. Till this day I still don't know why mom out of nowhere wanted to move. I didn't ask any questions, because I was actually happy to be moving from Atlanta. It was so many crimes and murders I had to witness at such a young age and I was over it. After a couple months of being at my new school, Damain and I were together everyday; he was becoming my best friend. I made one other friend and her name was Nala, her brown skin with long pretty curly hair. It's funny because we were always the same height from the time we met up until adulthood. You seen Nala you seen me we were never not together, she came over every weekend. My mom loved her some Nala, she was like a second daughter to her. My mom would always say "where is her Na na". That was Nala nickname from my mom. I loved how cool my mom was she always made Damian and Nala feel welcome. One weekend she took all of us to king's dominion. We had so much fun; I had the coolest mom in the world. Certain rides Damian got on Nala and I couldn't because of our height, we were short as shit. That was the weekend mom met Michael. My dad passed away when I was 3 years old, he had cancer. I remember him a little bit but not much I was so young when he passed, I didn't understand. My mom use to always tell me he's gone to a peaceful place and I'll see him again some day. I have a lot of pictures with him; he gave me this necklace before he passed with our picture in a locket. I never take it off. My mom bumped into Michael and accidently made him drop his food to her surprise he started laughing. My mom offered to replace it, but he ended up asking her out on a date. My mom said "yes". Michael and mom exchanged numbers and everyday before their date they were always on the phone. I don't remember ever seeing my mom smile that much.

I know how much she loved my dad; they were together since high school through college. After a good 3 weeks mom and Michael finally went on a date. She called my grandmother over to keep an eye on me while she went out. Besides moving to Virginia for a new environment, mom wanted to be closer to my grandmother. I guess she didn't want to be alone anymore after dad passed. I always loved when my Nana came over she was the sweetest. Since it was Saturday and I didn't have school grandma took me to see a movie and to get ice cream. You can say I was spoiled by my Nana. Anything I wanted I got. My Nana started me a brat doll collection, I never played with them we just collected them. They had their own section in my room. That day she got me another one. We finally got back to the house. Mom wasn't back yet, the phone rang and it was mom saying she was going to be home pretty late I took it as she was having a great time, she deserved it.

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