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Here I was like always home alone because Damian wasn't home. I called and he didn't answer. I ran me a bubble bath because after a baby shower and setting everything up for Rayne I'm beat. As I was soaking I heard Damian come in the door, I had a lil attitude and even though he kept saying its nothing for me to worry about I was starting to worry. He came in the house and wasn't saying anything to me I knew something wasn't right. I stepped out of the bath "Babe what's going on why you not saying anything." I asked. He just looked at me and held his arms out. He held me so tight; I didn't know what to do. "Babe please talk to me tell me what's wrong you're kind of scaring me." I said. He looked at me and said "You know that I'll never hurt you and I love you very much." I told him I did know. He said he just wanted to get in bed and be up under me. I told him come get in the shower with me because he knew his ass wasn't getting in my bed with outside clothes on. We showered I slept in my bra and panties. He slept in his boxer briefs. I gave him a massage he seemed tensed. Then he turned over on his back and said "you are everything I ever wanted in a wife and I pray to god I never lose you." I told him "I love you to babe but what's really going on." It took him a long time to tell me what really happen tonight. "I got robbed babe in the parking lot a few buildings down right before I came in here I didn't want them to know I lived in this complex they stole my car, my wallet and the upgraded ring I wanted to give you since I got my promotion but its gone babe its gone.!" I didn't understand how the fuck Damian gets robbed in the apartment complex and we have security at the gate. It's a gated community. "Baby is you okay, did they hurt you or do you have any scratches or anything. I asked him as I rubbed my hands all over his body making sure they didn't hurt my baby. He said they didn't hurt him they just took everything and sped off in his car. We had to report it stolen and I told him I didn't care about the ring I'm just glad he wasn't seriously hurt.

We called the police they came, asked a bunch of questions and told us they will call when they know something. I told Damian I wanted to move, I cant have my fiancé getting robbed in the damn parking lot I have a baby on the way and I'll be damned if anybody will harm her. Damian said "We will find something babe once Rayne get here." I snapped "Hell no! We will be looking first thing in the morning." He giggled and said "I love when you mad babe I feel a lil better lets get some sleep." We laid down, but I couldn't shake the fact my baby got robbed they could have killed him. The next morning Damian had to use my car to run a few errands but I wasn't letting him leave or go anywhere alone. I'll go to work with his ass if I have too. We went to get groceries and a few more house hold things. My car needed gas because I haven't driven it in a few weeks. Damian phone started ringing it was his car insurance. They said that he have coverage so he can get another car. He had to go get it on Thursday and it was Monday. We picked up something to eat while we were out I didn't feel like cooking. We got Popeye's and went home. Every little move I made I got sleepy. We got home ate our food in bed and just cooled it for the night. Rayne starting going crazy in my belly every time I took a bite of my biscuit. Meanwhile I was choking on them dry ass biscuits. I had to take a sip of juice after every bite. Damian would talk to her when she moved; she loved the sound of her daddy voice. Before I knew it Damian ass was knocked out. I got up to make sure the door was locked all the way up. I was paranoid as hell after knowing Damian got robbed. We didn't live that kind of life. I mean I've seen shit as a kid, but that wasn't our life style. I locked the windows and the balcony door before going back in the room and going to bed. We woke up to a knock on the door, Damian got up to see who it could be "who is it?" he yelled. An unfamiliar voice I never heard but they knew Damian. "Bro open the door it's an emergency." He opened the door and it was his cousin that I met at the baby shower. I thought she was a boy at first until she took her sweat shirt off at the baby shower. "What's up Leena" Damain asked her. It took her a long time to say what hell was wrong she was pacing back and forth. Damian was getting impatient I could tell so he grabbed her and shook her saying "Leena what the fuck is going on? Why are you here?" I stood by the hallway I didn't know her that well I only met her once. She finally came out and said it. "Uncle Kenny got caught in some bullshit because of me and they shot him 3 times, he's at the hospital and I don't know if he is going to make it." She started screaming all wild and crazy.

I came towards Damian he wasn't saying anything he looks stuck and hurt. I grabbed him and pulled him towards me "Babe he's going to be okay, just pray for him I'm right here with you, god got him." I said to Damian. "I got to go Nay, I have to go" he said. I didn't want him to go I knew Damian wasn't no punk but I also knew he had to much to live and stay out of jail for, Rayne and I being number one on that list. "Where are you going babe, please don't go do anything stupid." I said to him, "One more thing cousin, them niggas who robbed you is the same ones who shot Uncle Kenny." Leena said to Damian as tears rolled down her face. All I could think to myself was uh oh! Damian started running towards her; I stopped him and said "She's still a female babe calm down." "Nah babe this bitch probably done got the whole family in her bullshit because she wants to be a nigga so bad. Stick to fucking hoes and leave that gansta shit to the men." Damian snapped at Leena. "I didn't tell them anything when I came to town it was because I knew I owed these fools some money and I heard about the baby shower, it was never suppose to come back on my family" Leena said. I seen the rage in Damian face he is usually the one calming my nerves and attitude but I never seen him get this mad he barely curse. He was so laid back. I was stuck but I couldn't let my fiancé go out that door in the state of mind he was in. He said "Leena how much money do you owe, and who the fuck do you owe it to." She replied "I already paid them fools cousin and they still robbed you and shot Uncle Kenny. It's not about the money anymore." I stood in front of Leena "So are you saying we all in danger or some shit." Damian said "Yea are we? I have a kid that will be here any day now and because of you I got my car stolen, Janay engagement ring and my money. You always in some shit that is why I don't hang with your ass now." Leena sat down on the couch she shook her head then put her face in her hands. "You're not in danger I would never let anybody harm your baby." She said. Damian snapped again "How the fuck can you say you wouldn't let anything happen what if Nay was with me when they robbed me and did something to her because you think you have to follow in your father foot steps. Come on now Leena, you not fucking thinking straight." He looked over at me and said "we have to go stay with your mom Nay until we find another place." I agreed with him and went in the room to pack the baby bag for when she come and some things for me we would just be back and forth for what ever we need.

This was too much for me I felt like my pressure was up. Damian came in the room and said we needed to talk, I said okay so talk. He said this was why he left out of the bed that night because Leena called and she needed a ride because they left her on the side of the rode and she didn't want to call her mom. "Why didn't you just tell me that instead of having me think you cheating on me or some shit." I said. Damian paused "Cheating on you? Nay I would never fucking cheat on you, why would I ask you to be my wife just to cheat on you that's very stupid. He said as he hugged and kissed me. Now you see why I love him so much. I called my mom to tell her we would be staying with her. I told her I wanted to be with her in case my water broke or something. Before going to my mom house we took Leena to the airport and sent her back to Maryland. Damian told me she always been living that life ever since her dad passed. I hope she make it safe back to where she got to go. We finally got to mom house, she was cooking of course that lady always was cooking. She opened the door and grabbed some of my bags from Damian while he got the rest. His mom still lived across the street. Our moms were very close. After he took everything up to my room, Damian said he wanted to go see Uncle Kenny. "I'm coming with you" I said. "Nay no stay here with ma please I need to know what's going on just stay here please I love you." He replied. He kissed me long and passionately and ran down the steps into my car and drove off. I hate feeling like I'm leaving my mom in the dark but the less she knows the better. Michael came home early.

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