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Nala called me crying and she said she needed to talk it was important I sat up and asked "what's wrong boo?" She said she needed a hug and she was on her way, mind you she was 6 hours away. I got up and cleaned the house a little bit, ate food, made a run to the store, just trying to keep busy until Nala got here. 4 hours go by and she calls me and said "I don't want to live anymore." I replied "Don't talk like that, where are you? And do I need to come meet you." She said "Please." Told her "I'll be there ASAP!" I had a two hour drive but my best friend said she needed me so I had to be there. I called Damian to let him know where I was going I didn't want him to worry. I was about 20 minutes away from the McDonalds she told me to meet her at, when my phone rung it was Nala "somebody stole my car OMG hurry please" she screamed into the phone. I didn't ask any questions I started speeding through traffic. Thank god police didn't pull me over. I got to Nala and her eyes were blood shot red, her eyes were swollen like she hasn't had any sleep. She looked at my stomach and said "wait! Are you pregnant?" I was going to tell her when I seen her which was suppose to been the following week. I explained that to her. Then she really started breaking down, "I'm so happy for you" she said. "Enough about me what's going on with you" I asked. She said we were going to need food and somewhere to sit down. We went to Ihop, ordered our food. Nala started talking still with tears coming down her face. She said "so you know when my mom passed she left me some money and not some small change, my fiancé knew about it because I thought I could trust him apparently I couldn't. Coming to find out my dad and my fiancé been setting me up this entire time." I interrupted her "what you mean." The waiter brought our food. She continued "so my fiancé was abusive." My face had rage all over it "Bitch what the fuck you mean, where his Ike Turner wanna be ass at." Nala grabbed my arm; she was shaking and started to cry. She said in a low raspy voice "He's at work I think." She started showing me pictures of her bruised neck, her black eye, her busted lip, her broken arm and more bruises on other parts of her body. I instantly broke down. How could she not tell me this I asked her how long has this been going on. I shouted "OMG" I was so mad. She told me he's been doing this to her for a year. She said "I tried to escape him, he wouldn't let me leave the house and there were times he raped me while choking me." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How can my best friend be going through all this and I don't know nothing about it. Coming to find out Nala father sent her fiancé to set her up so he can get the money her mom left for her before she passed away.

I was so disgusted how your own father can set you up over some punk ass dollars. "You're not going back there Nala" I said with tears coming down my face. She replied "I need to get my things while he's still at work right now." I had a bad feeling about going to get her things, I called Damian to tell him what was going on and where I was about to go. I didn't give him full details because its Nala business even though she was friends with both of us I would rather she tell him herself. "Where are you, I'm leaving work right now" he said. I let him know where. I know I was pregnant but Nala needed me I prayed this idiot wasn't there and my fiancé was two hours away. Nala house was 4 hours away she said he got off at 6PM; it was already 12:31PM. I was so emotional on the drive to Nala house, I had all these thoughts like I could have saved her and I wish she never moved away, I could have protected her. When I'm sad I get hungry I wanted something sweet to calm my nerves, I needed gas anyway. We still had a good 4 and a half hour left. Before going in I looked over at Nala she was sleep and I didn't want to wake her. I got her some snacks too I knew what she like, she loved Doritos and ranch dip and that's what I got her. Me on the other end I got all sweets I felt so much better.

My phone rung and it was mom. "Lovebugg where are you? You've been gone for a long time, are you okay" she said. I couldn't tell her everything she would freak out. "Yes mom I had to come get Nala she was having car trouble" I said. "Oh okay suga, love you and ill talk to you later" she said. Nala was knocked out, good thing she put her address in the GPS before falling asleep. I started to get sleepy, "Omg" I said to myself. I called Damian to keep me entertained he picked up on the first ring "Baby what's wrong, are you okay?" I replied "Yes babe I called because I'm sleepy and want a steak, how far away are you?" he said "3 hours just about and I'll get you a steak with a massage to follow how's that?" I replied "What would I do without you baby I love you so much. "I love you mommy" he said. After talking to Damian for 2 hours, I was 30 minutes away from Nala house, while Damian was a hour away. This means he was 30 minutes behind me. Thank god! We finally arrived it was 4:41 PM, I woke Nala up. "We're here already" she said in her sleepy voice. I told her lets move quickly before this crazy ass fool comes home. We went in I told Nala to get all her clothes and anything with value. All of the little miscellaneous things Id replace. Damian got there at 5:12 PM. He stood by the door just in case Nala Fiancé came home.

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