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3 days later I woke up, with this pain in my stomach and Rayne was in there going off. I got up out the bed and went to the hallway bathroom to use it. Damian was at work. Before I could even get my shorts down my water broke. I yelled for mom I was panicking this was my first child I didn't know what to do. "What's wrong lovebugg" mom said as she bust through the door. She looked down and seen the puddle on the floor. "Michael!!!!!!!!!! Get the car ready" she yelled. This pain was getting intense, my back was killing me. Mom helped me down the steps "Somebody call Damian" I said. Michael called told him I was in labor and Damian said he would meet us at the hospital. The car ride there was so stressful every bump in the road we hit made the contractions worse. Mom sat in the back seat with me to keep me calm. But she was also crying because she had been waiting for this moment. We finally arrived at the hospital Damian was already there waiting with the wheelchair. He explained to them I was in labor and it was time. As I was getting set up and in my room for baby girl arrival, I told them I wanted to have a natural birth, no medicines; I didn't want that needle in my back the epidural. I watched a video on how they did that shit and I didn't want it all. What ever pain I feel delivering Rayne she was worth it. I couldn't eat anything but ice. My mouth was so dry. I was sweating; Damian had a wet rag wiping my forehead. I wanted some food so bad. Two hours go by and I was 3 cm dilated. My contractions were about 10 minutes apart. Damian mom came up there. I'm glad he called her I need all the support. I was in so much pain. I was uncomfortable. Another 3 hours of this pain. I almost gave in to ask for the medicine, but I had to be strong for baby girl. I wasn't even giving her formula she will be on breast milk for a while. I was told breast feeding gets so frustrating after awhile. But I'm not a quitter and baby girl will have what ever she need. I was over eating those damn ice chips. The Dr came in and told us that I was at 8 cm it's been 9 hours and I will be ready to push soon. I was exhausted and overwhelmed.  We all was just sitting around waiting, Damian was kissing me every 5 minutes asking am I okay.  I snapped on him because I'm like what the hell you mean am I okay? Do you know what this shit feel like. OUUUCHHHHHHHHH!" He laughed and said "Sorry babe, I'm trying to be supportive." I rolled my eyes and finished eating my ice. I wanted some shrimp and peanut butter. That shit sound nasty but not when you pregnant. It was finally time to push I was 10 cm dilated, 12 hours in. "1, 2, 3 Push Nay Push." I heard the Dr Say. Damian told me I was doing well and it was almost over. Knowing damn well he lying I only pushed one time so far. "Breath Nay." The Dr said again. The breathing was helping but not a lot with the pain. I pushed again for the second time. "I see the head" Damian said. Omg my daughter was coming into the world I'm not ready for this. A few more pushes and my baby girl popped out of my vagina like a pop tart, it was smooth once her shoulder came out. We welcomed Rayne Saniya Jackson into the world at 8:36 PM weighing 7 lbs and 8 0z on August 2, . She had gray eyes with a head full of hair. I cried tears of joy. Damian cut her umbilical cord after the doctors cleaned her off.  They placed her in my arms and I fell in love with her. Her skin was so soft and smooth. Her little finger wrapped around mine. I handed her to Damian he bust out crying and said "Hey baby I'm your Daddy." He talked to her for 5 minutes straight. I got cleaned off and they rolled Rayne to the NICU. I went to my room and went straight to sleep, I was so cold. I needed extra blankets. When I woke up, Damian was sitting in the chair holding Rayne. My mom and Damian mom was in there too.  I heard a knock at the door. "Come in" mom said. A man walked in, he was tall with gray facial hair. He had on a leather jacket. "Dre" Damian mom said as she stood up. "Dad" Damian said. It was his father. Damian never really said much about his dad all I knew was he lived a separate life in another state and he never reached out to Damian, not even a happy birthday or anything. Damian got up, gave Rayne to my mom and walked out the room. He came over to me and said "How are you? I'm Andre, Damian Dad. I've heard so much about you. Sorry about not coming sooner or being there through out your whole pregnancy and engagement." I shook his hand said "Nice to finally meet you." Damian mom asked his dad to step in the hallway so they can talk. I asked mom could she go find Damian, I couldn't get up to go find him. She handed Rayne to me, she was sleep. I was admiring my daughter while she was sleep, then all I hear is arguing in the hallway. "Oh shit!" I said to myself. I heard Damian saying "You have to go Dre, you are not welcome here and you better not wake my daughter up. This is not the time or the place."

Damian dad agreed and asked Damian could he come see us when we come home tomorrow so they can talk. Damian told him "Sure." He came back in the room "I'm sorry babe for just walking out like that without saying anything" he said. "Baby its okay, you had every right to." I said to him and gave him a kiss. The nurse came in because it was time for me to try out breast feeding. It was frustrating the first couple tries, then after awhile she finally latched onto my right boob. It was painful at first but once she started sucking the milk out it became easier. She was sucking my boob for so long like she hasn't eaten in her previous life. I had to switch boobs for her. My baby had to eat. As I was about to pat her back to burp her, she let out a grown man burp. Our moms left when it was time for them to go. Damian was in the shower. I was admiring my baby girl. I was a mom and it wasn't a soul that was going to hurt my baby. Damian got out the shower, walked to Rayne little hospital crib bed they had her in.  He stood there for awhile and said to Rayne "I'm going to be a better father too you than my father was to me and I'll never leave you Rayne."  A tear fell down my face my father passed away and it hurts me I didn't get a chance to really know him, but for Damian dad to be alive and not want to see him and leave him then turn around and have more kids, that's neglect. So I know that was a pain that Damian was hidden all this time and seeing his dad tonight didn't help him at all. "Come lay with me babe" I said to him as I moved over in my small hospital bed. He walked over and he said he wanted to lay on my chest while I rubbed my fingers through his curly hair. Rayne was sleep too. After awhile I drifted off to sleep.

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