Thirty Eight

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When we arrived at the house my mom and the kids were already back home. Rayne ran to us "mommy, daddy" she was so hype. "Ma did you give her candy" I asked my mom as I walked into the kitchen where she was cooking dinner. "Just one-piece lovebug don't be mad" she said. "I'm not mad mom I can just tell by her energy" I replied. Damian took our bags up to the room and I went to check on the twins, mom said she just put them down for a nap. I went down to my office to check my email and I was backed up with orders. I started packaging them and labeling them to get ready for shipment. "Sis the detective found out who broke your window he's on his way here now." Nala said when she walked into my office. "Who was it?" I asked. She took a deep breath and said "Taye and some woman name Denise." Not this bitch again, and who the hell is Denise. There was a knock at the door, it was the detective. "Hello Mrs. Jackson" he said as I welcomed him into the house. "Hey, detective" I replied. "I have some info about the finger print on your back window, Taye is back in town and she's checked into a hotel not to far from here about two days ago. Her and a woman by the name of Denise McClean. I'm not sure what their motive is but we will be keeping a close eye on them while they are here, and I have someone looking more into who this Denise character is. In the meantime, please be safe and watch your surroundings and if I were you and Damian, I would think about getting surveillance cameras for the outside and possibly the inside of your house" he said. We can't catch a break. I bust out crying out of frustration like why people can't just leave us the fuck alone and I stormed upstairs. Damian came running up the steps behind me. "Babe come here don't let this situation get the best of you" he said as he pulled me in to hug me. "I don't want anything to happen to my babies Damian that's all I am worried about at this point, I'm not scared of fighting a bitch or even killing one but none of that is worth me being away from my fucking kids" I said as the tears started flowing. "I promise as soon as the twins turn one babe we can leave to go to Florida and if needed sooner than that, but we worked so hard for everything we have here. We both have our own business, this house and the family we've created, and we can't let this bullshit stop our happiness" he said as he kissed me. He was right and I didn't want to leave my house, my only concern was my children.

Two weeks later, I was at the post office shipping out orders, and as I was leaving this older woman bumped into me, she had gray long straight hair, yellow rotten teeth, and she smelled bad like she haven't had a good shower in years. "Excuse me Janay" this random old hoe said to me. "Do I know you?" I said with this look on my face because of the smell of her clothes. "No, you don't know me bitch but you killed my husband I'm coming for you and I'm going to take yours away from you" she said with this grin on her face but I couldn't take her serious with her teeth looking like that. "So you must be Denise ma'am I am not scared of you or that bitch Taye and if you ever think you going to threaten or do anything to my husband I'll snap your neck, good day you old bitch" I said as I walked off and got in my car. I took a picture of her so that I can show my mom, Nala and Damian so that they would know what she looks like. I called Damian and told him what just had happened. He told me to hurry up home. The people were coming the day after tomorrow to put the cameras up around the house. I had to take the twins to the doctors for their 6-month checkup. Nala and Cece had some errands they had to run, and mom was coming with Damian and me. My window was fixed. I was ready for a new car I had this car since I was 18. I talk to Damian about it and he said he would take me car shopping next week and I could just sale mine, nothing was wrong with it at all. I'm a mom so I really wanted a van. We arrived at the DRS office 30 minutes early. The twins got their shots, Jaylin and Jayla were fussing all day long. We got back home, and I fed them and put all of them down for a quick nap while I did some cleaning. My mom said she wanted to take a vacation. I ran it by Damian that I wanted to send our moms to Cancun for a weekend. He agreed that would be a great idea, but we couldn't tell them it was a surprise. I wanted to spend a little more time with Nala. Cece was gone with her cousin, Damian and my mom stayed in the house with the kids. We had a nail salon date. I haven't had my nails done in god knows how long, I haven't had the time since giving birth to the twins. Our nail techs worked at the same salon and they were best friends. It felt so good to get my feet scrubbed, now I might not get my nails done but I keep my feet done all year around. Nala seemed a little down and I wanted to make sure she was okay. She basically told me that she been having nightmares about James and her ex fiancé. I told her that everything will be okay, she has Cece now and she will be okay. The nightmares are normal to have. I was having nightmares after Damian got shot, and after Michael was killed. We have endured so much hurt within these last two years and we have overcome everything, and I feel like it's nothing my family can't get through as long as we have god and each other. We don't go to church a lot, but we pray and have faith. We were all snatched and slayed. We got home and Jaylin was crawling, and Jayla was sitting up. "Look at mommy babies" I said and stooped down on the floor to kiss them both. "Mommy, where is my kiss" Rayne said. "How can mommy forget your kisses stink" I said as I kissed all on Rayne fat cheeks. "Now where my kisses" Damian said sarcastically coming from the bathroom by the kitchen drying his hand. I gave him two pecks on the lips. Rayne did not like when Damian kissed me, she wanted them all to yourself. "Daddy my kiss" she said in her innocent little voice. He leaned down to kiss her too. "I cooked dinner for everybody" he said. "You really cooked babe? Is this kitchen burned down" I said to him and everybody laughed as we headed into the kitchen. He made rice, corn and salmon. Cece came home right in time for dinner. We sat down and ate together. The twins were always in my food. I'm glad they are both sitting up now and Jaylin crawling, now I just need Jayla do the same thing. We were giving the kids their bath when there was a knock at the door. Any time we got a knock at the door it was never a good thing. I told mom stay with the kids, Damian, Nala, Cece and I all went to the door locked and loaded at this point we could never be to ready. "Who is it" Damian said as we all walked down the steps and towards the door. "Detective John" he said. Damian opened the door as I took his gun to put it up and so did Nala and Cece. "Something happen at the hotel where Taye and Denise were staying" he said. "What happened" I asked. "Denise and Taye got into some type of altercation others said they heard a lot of arguing and things breaking in their room, I guess one thing lead to another and they were fighting. Taye is dead now, Denise strangled her with the telephone cord then stabbed her 6 times" he said. "Wow so where is Denise" I asked. He said they don't know she fled the scene, but the cops are on the look out for her and he wanted us to be aware in case she decided to come here. "Thanks, detective John" Damian said as he shook his hand before walking him back out the door. It's always something. Kind of sad she is dead but oh well. I know it's harsh, but she tried to harm us and nothing good would come from that. I didn't kill her. We locked the door all the way up. "Babe all this death is draining the hell out of me" I said to Damian. "I know wifey bring it in" he said as I laid on his chest until we fell asleep.

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