Thirty Five

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We were all restless sitting in the waiting room, my nerves were so bad. I was shaking. It was 10 o clock in the morning. Rayne was up playing with Nala, Damian went to get us something to eat I wasn't hungry, but I had to eat because of the twins. 15 minutes later and the nurse came out and said we could see her now. We all went back to the room where my mom was. They had her hooked up to all these machines and she had cords everywhere. They said she had got lucky the bullet missed her heart by an inch. We all were just in the room until she finally woke up. "Mom" I said. "Lovebugg, where am I?" she asked. "Mom I don't know how to tell you this because I know it's going to break your heart, you were shot, and Michael is dead" I said to her as the tears started rolling down my face. She looked at me and said "James did this! When I was on the phone with you, Michael and I heard a noise down in the basement after we found cashmere dead, we went down in the basement and there was James with a gun in his hand and he pointed it at us. Michael told me to call for help and to see where you all were, and he would handle James, I shouldn't have never left him by his self I should have stayed right there. Michael tried to fight him for the gun and before I could even get to the phone, I heard the gun shots, I went back down the steps to see what had happen and there Michael was laid out on the basement floor bleeding to death, it was to late. I tried to run back up the stairs but James grabbed me by my hair and dragged me up the steps and into the backyard and he shot me and ran out the house. I tried to get up, but I couldn't and before I knew it, I blacked out. I can't believe my husband is gone." Mom said as the tears was coming nonstop down her face. I hugged her and told her I love her, and we were all right here with her. First my little sister now her husband and the dog all my mom had left was Damian, Rayne, Nala, the twins and me. My mom wasn't as bad as Damian when he got shot, but she still had to stay in the hospital for two days. I wasn't leaving her side, and Damian and Nala wasn't leaving mine. We spent two days in the hospital with mom it was so uncomfortable for me I had so many pillows, and for both nights she would wake up crying and sweating out of her sleep. It wasn't easy but I was going to make sure she was good. Rayne put her in a better mood for a little bit.

Leaving the hospital had me not wanting to go to my house or my mom house and I damn sure didn't want Nala to be at her apartment, but we all stayed at our house until we could figure out our next move even Cece was there. My mom fell into that depression stage she went into when my little sister passed away every night since we got home from the hospital, she wanted Rayne sleeping in the room with her. We planned on moving to another state after the twins get a little older so we can travel with them. Damian had two locations now Virginia and Miami, Florida. He had a few things to set up for us so when we move, we would already have a house, car etc. Nala agreed to go with us because she already has an apartment down there. I had a doctor's appointment, I wanted Nala to go with me while Damian stayed with my mom and Rayne. Everything was good with the twins they were healthy. The police never got James, we haven't heard anything from Taye, Kenny, Leena or James punk ass he was wanted for murder. I pray to god they catch him soon; the cops were thinking he went back to Atlanta that night he killed Michael. Mom didn't want a funeral for Michael she had him cremated and put into this beautiful black vase. She kept it beside her bed.

We decided not to have a baby shower for the twins. This pregnancy was way more frustrating than when I was pregnant with Rayne. My feet were swollen as hell and my back was always hurting. We had everything we needed for them we are naming the boy Jaylin Deon Jackson and the girl name will be Jayla Diamond Jackson. I was 8 months pregnant. We found out what happen to Leena she done got herself into some shit and owed a drug dealer a lot of money and she had been ducking him for weeks he finally caught up to her and beat her to death. We found out because her mom called Damian mom. All those threats that bitch was making towards us and now she dead. She was out the way, now I just needed the cops to get James ass, I wasn't even worried about Taye at this point because we haven't heard anything about her in a while. Kenny on the other end I wasn't sure what he was on. Rayne went to Damian mom house and so did my mom while, Nala, Cece, Damian and I went to pack up my mom things. Damian drove the U-Haul we rented for two days. My mom said she didn't want anything out that house but her clothes and personal things. She said the furniture and everything else could be donated to somebody who need it. It was bittersweet going back into my mom house. It took us about 4 hours to pack all her clothes and load up all her furniture in the U-Haul, of course I was in charge of her clothes, while Cece, Nala and Damian did all the moving. It was a few things I needed out my old room too. The house was empty like when we first moved here when I was 10 years old. The new owners would be here tomorrow. I flicked the lights off and we headed back to our house. My phone started ringing it was another blocked call. I was so over it. I declined it, 2 minutes later I had a voicemail, "Hello Janay, I am so sorry for what I did I never meant to hurt your mom but the fact she married another man after I died is killing me, I still don't care for Nala but I do want to apologize to you for everything." James left me a voicemail sniffing and shit crying like the bitch he is, I think he was drunk. I called the police immediately to let them hear the voicemail his sick ass had left. They traced where it came from, he was back in Atlanta like they had predicted. They were going to catch his ass one way or another.

I went way pass my due date, my doctor was inducing me in two days, things seemed okay for the moment we all stuck together, nobody went anywhere without somebody being with them. Many nights my mom cried about missing her husband. I got this big poster made for her with pictures of Michael and her from the time they met up until a few days before he was killed. She cried tears of joy and gave me the biggest hug. I do what ever it takes to make her happy my mom was my rock. For these two days I was resting with my feet up. Rayne was running around with her dad. Since Damian was the boss now, he rarely had to go to work and when he did, he didn't have to stay long. I was still in business, but Nala was taking over and still was selling her paintings plus she still was loaded with the money her mom left her, while I was sitting on the couch with fat feet, she was a great help I love my sister. I lost a baby sister and gained a little sister. It was good having everybody under one roof. Damian and I still had our privacy, we haven't really been making love because its uncomfortable, he did eat me out last week. He kept saying what if my water would have broken in his mouth, I just looked at him like you are a nasty fool. As I was sitting on the couch with everybody, they all had they hand on a spot on my belly while the twins were going crazy in there. We were one big happy family. Rayne knew all her ABC's and she could count to 10 the good thing is the twins will be born a month before her birthday. I loved it.

Jaylin was born at 2:33 pm and Jayla was born at 2:35 Pm on July 1. They both had a head full of hair and it wouldn't be hard to tell them apart. Jaylin was 8 pounds and Jayla was 7 pound 6 ounces she was so small. They both had gray eyes. Rayne came in after I gave birth, she said "ma ma baby." I told her to give them kisses. She kissed Jaylin and blew a kiss at Jayla. I don't think I'm having any more kids after this god gave me two for the price of one. Damian picked Jaylin up and my mom picked up Jayla none of my kids look like me they look just like Damian, Jaylin and Jayla Had dimples just like him. It was easy breast feeding the twins they came into the world hungry. Jaylin finished before Jayla, so I know who the greedy baby is. It was time to take them home. When we arrived at the house there were flowers on the porch, Nala picked them up and took them to the kitchen, "who are they from Nala?" I asked. She said it was from Taye the card said, "Congratulations and I apologize for fucking your husband xoxo." I was annoyed because how is all these motherfuckers finding where we live at, it had to be James and I still wasn't sure how he found me. I told Nala to throw them out. I didn't need that bitch apology. The address she sent them from was in Texas. I wondered why she was down there, but I didn't put to much thought into it. Jaylin been sleeping this whole time, Jayla on the other hand she was just sitting in the swing sucking on her tongue. That was her way of telling me she was hungry again. I can see now they won't be on the same feeding schedule right away, but I will have them just how Rayne was anytime she was hungry she was fed. This big ass pad was sticking to me. Damian had to make a run to the store to get a few things we needed for the house I didn't want him to leave the house at all, but he had too. The first 8 weeks with the twins was stressful but we got the hang of it plus we had a lot of help thanks to mom and Nala even Cece helped when she was there.

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