Fourty One

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We got home and our front door was open. Detective John was sitting out front in his car with a lot of other police officers running in and out of the house. "This might have been Denise Mr. and Mrs. Jackson" he said. "what the hell!" I said as we entered the house there was glass everywhere all our down stairs windows were broken. Our living room TV was gone. They stole Rayne Benz from out back. Took the twins play pin. Trashed my basement, stabbed up my couch. Broke all our plates and cups in the kitchen. I couldn't even put my kids down on the floor it was so much glass everywhere. I went to the basement to check the cameras and it was 4 men and a woman stealing and breaking all our stuff. I don't know who they could be but I'm sure the woman was Denise. Detective john said he was going to find her. I checked my office to make sure they didn't find our safe behind the painting. I keep my laptop in there when we are gone along with a lot of other valuable things just in case something like this happen. "This is why I fucking wanted to get security babe" Damian snapped at me. "So, are you saying that this is my fucking fault?" I said. I was in my feelings because Damian and I argue of course but we work it out and we promised to handle things in a civil manner, and he yelled at me in front of the kids. I gave the kids to our moms and went straight to our room. "How fucking dare you blame me for this" I kirked off on him and was just going on and on cursing him out. "I'm sorry baby I am just lost for words it's time for us to move" he said. I agreed with him, we kissed and made up. We had a lot to do. It took us about 3 days just to clean the glass up, I kept the kids upstairs. "Sis are you okay?" Nala asked as she was sweeping the kitchen. "I don't know Nala," I replied. "You need a hug sis, I got one for you" she said as she reached her arms out to hug me. "Mommy." I heard Rayne calling from her room. "Yes stink" I said. "The twins are hungry and me too." She said. I called for Nala to help me bring the kids down stairs. We put them in their chairs so that they wouldn't step on the glass or slip on it. I was taking them to Damian mom house anyway to be with my mom and Damian mom while we got this house together and get ready for this move to Florida. Damian was at work and Cece had a doctor's appointment. It was just Nala and me taking the kids to their grandmother's. Having to clean up all that glass was getting on my nerves we finally finished, I mopped the kitchen floor repeatedly and I vacuumed more than once. But we still walked around in shoes. Damian felt like it was best if we only packed clothes and other miscellaneous things, but all the furniture etc. we would get rid of especially my couch with the stab wounds. Damian had everything already set up down in Florida for all of us. We helped Nala and Cece pack up their things too. We sold the house within one month. Unfortunately, my mom and Damian mom wanted to stay in Virginia for the moment, but they will be moving down within 3 weeks or so.

We had our things sent ahead; Damian assistant would be meeting the truck at the airport to take everything to our new house. Nala and Cece house was right next to ours. Damian had the hook up as he called it. When we got there, it was bigger than the house we had in Virginia. Ima miss that house. The new house had bullet proof glass windows, it already had a security system and cameras all over the house. we had a private land. Nala and Cece were staying in the guest house. We had a lot of work to do in this house. I fell in love with our kitchen, it was huge. The walls were white, the counter top was gray, with white marble floors. It was so clean in there. I was proud of Damian he got all the furniture and everything like he did for the other house. The twins had their own rooms and so did Rayne. Damian had the basement set up for both of our moms like a mini apartment. They had they own bathrooms, kitchen and living room area. Jaylin had a sports car theme and the walls in his room were blue with hot wheels all over. Rayne still had her Minnie mouse room but with a day bed. He made sure his spoiled oldest daughter got her tea party section in her room. Jayla room was purple and pink she had a plastic sleep and play toddler bed with Ariel from the little mermaid on it. When I walked in our room, my mouth dropped it had tan and white covers that said his side and her side. Her side had way more space this his. He a damn lie because I literally must push him off me. We had a California king bed so now it shouldn't be a problem, but he probably still ended up on my side. I had a gold vanity set near our bathroom. Our closets were big as hell. I had a section just for my shoes. We had a balcony to our room, but it wasn't by the bathroom. The bathroom was beautiful there was black tile everywhere with gold and black decorative towels and bathroom accessories. I was obsessed with this house. the kids were sliding through the house in their socks with their dad, Damian is a big ass kid. We all went over to Nala and Cece house, it was just as nice as ours. After a long day of chasing the kids around the house and getting everything in order I was exhausted. Those brand new sheets felt great; I was out before I knew it.

We wanted to take the kids to the beach since the summer was almost over. It was just Damian, the kids and me. "Mommy its hot" Rayne said as our feet hit the sand. I told her bad ass not to take her sandals off but of course she follows her father lead. Damian picked her up. The twins were in their stroller because I refuse to be running through this hot ass sand chasing them. We were having a blast in the water. Jaylin wasn't feeling it after a while he fell into his little mood. I dried him off and changed his diaper. Jayla came running but she fell in the sand, Damian picked her up and she said, "Ma ma." Damian brought her to me. She needed her pamper changed too. Beach day didn't last long. Nala called and said she and Cece was out and about doing some shopping. We grabbed something to eat and headed back to the house. As we entered the house and put everything down, we were all just chilling when my phone started ringing it was a number I had never seen before. "You have a collect call from, Katrina" I hung up as soon as I heard her name and blocked the number. "Babe who is that" Damian asked. "It was a collect call from Katrina, I don't know what that girl want I have no words for her" I replied. We continued watching "Frozen" with the kids. Jaylin wasn't looking to good. I put my hand on his forehead and he was burning up. I checked his temperature and it was 103.2. "Babe he has a fever again" I said to Damian. He picked Jaylin up and said, "what's wrong my big guy." All Jaylin said was Da da" as he laid his head on Damian shoulder. I called a vice nurse and all this bitch said was give him Tylenol and if it doesn't break within an hour or so then bring him into the hospital. I immediately called my mom, she told me to give him a lukewarm sponge bath and lots of liquids along with the Tylenol. I did just that he didn't want to eat anyway. I was trying to give him his breathing treatment and he just kept pushing my hand away having a fit every time I tried to put it over his face. "Let me try baby" Damian said. I handed Jaylin to him and he laid on his dad chest and let him give him the breathing treatment. Jayla and Jaylin called each other Jay-Jay. Jayla laid her head on her brother and said "Jay-Jay." I think she knew he wasn't feeling feel. I put all the kids in the tub. While Damian took the girls out and got them ready for bed, I kept Jaylin in a little longer because he didn't want to get out, he loved playing in the water. I made him and Jayla a warm bottle of milk. I know it was time to take them off bottles because they are 1 but I must ease them off. I tried to take Jaylin bottle and give him a sippy cup he threw it right across the room and anything one twin do the other one follow. It didn't take long for Jaylin to fall asleep and Jayla right behind him that's how it always go they were on a set schedule.

Our mothers finally arrived, we got them settled into their basement apartment. They loved it. Damian mom said close the door. I had a surprise for my mom. I know she missed cashmere so last week I found a tea cup yorkie that look just like her. When my mom opened her room door and the dog ran to her she was excited. "Lovebugg you didn't have to do this" she said as she hugged me. "I did mom and I wanted too" I replied. "I love you" she said. I let her enjoy her new puppy she named her Butta. I already had her a kennel, a bed, food and everything else she needed. I had a missed call from Niema, I called her back. "Hello Mrs. Jackson" she said sounding like she was drunk. "What's up" I asked, wondering why she was calling out of nowhere. She went on and on about how her sister had a hit out on her and that some man followed her to a bar and tried to kill her, he dragged her out of her car. But luckily Niema was able to get away after kicking him in his balls and before she struggled to get in her car, he stood up holding his head and she got in then backed up into him and pulled off. All I could say was wow. Told her she need to figure something out and its nothing I can do for her while she still in VA and I'm where I'm at. I wasn't going to tell her where we were because I don't trust a soul and she could easily tell her sister. Before getting off the phone I told her to take care of herself. We were out enjoying these Miami streets Damian and I when I bumped into this man by accident because I was too busy talking to Damian trying to convince him to buy me a funnel cake and he kept telling me no. "I'm so sorry" I said to this stranger. "It's okay Janay" he said. "How do you know my wife name" Damian said with this angry look on his face. "I know more than you know and bumping into me wasn't no accident" he said. "You don't know me sir and I damn sure don't know you" I said to him rolling my eyes. He snatched my phone and ran; Damian went after him and beat the shit out of him before getting my phone back to me. The strange man ran off. We immediately got in our car and left. It was weird I only been in Miami for a month and I been keeping me and my family low key so how the hell did he know my name.

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