Thirty Six

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Nala wedding was one month away, we had found her a wedding dress. Also, me and mom needed alterations on our bridesmaid dresses. We were her only two bridesmaids. Cece had two brothers who would be her groomsmen. Her parents didn't support her being married to another woman, so they told her they weren't coming. She had a lot of cousins who will be attending along with her aunt who is also into females too. I didn't see anything wrong with it if you love that person who am I to judge. Nala really was happy with Cece and she had my full support and with all she's been through she deserves all the happiness coming her way. Jaylin had the cutest little tuxedo, Jayla and Rayne had the same dress. Rayne birthday tomorrow. I wanted to try to take her to Disney land again but that's impossible with the twins, I still had frozen breast milk from when I was breast feeding Rayne, but they are only 1 month so I couldn't leave them I was too attached. Rayne only cared about getting some cake she been running through the house saying she want cake for the last week and a half. She still was on Minnie hard and now she loved her some Winnie the pooh. We decided to have a cook out for her in the backyard, we ordered a moon bounce. Of course, we have a pool it will be a pool party. The summer was coming to an end very soon. After 4 hours of being in David's Bridal. Nala finally finished getting her dressed altered. She had the perfect dress it was beautiful. She didn't want to wear white she decided to go with this beautiful peach wedding dress it was breath taking. I shed a tear I was genuinely happy for my sister. It felt so good that Nala and I were building an even stronger bond from being best friends to finding out she's my sister.

"Happy birthday Rayne" we all sang happy birthday to my bright and smart terrible two-year-old. She had a unique personality at such a young age and her new favorite word was no even if she means yes. We were teaching her everything we could she counting to 20 now. My mom was in a better spirit, but I can tell she was still hurting about Michael. If it wasn't for her grandkids and me, I don't think she would have been able to handle everything she has been through. Damian felt like it was time for Rayne to have one of them baby cars but of course he had to be over the top for her. He got her a pink Benz that she could drive out in the back yard. When he put her in it, she started crying because it had a controller to it so Damian could move it if she didn't know how. My baby had a mental break down. I picked her up and told her it was okay she said "No mommy no" we all laughed. I told Damian ass buying that damn thing was a bad idea, so he whipped out some Minnie stickers and let her put them all over her new Benz. She still didn't want to get in just yet then when Damian put this big ass Minnie stuffed animal in there, she wanted to get in. This child of mine was something else. Nala came with gifts a lot of gifts she always over did it when it came to the kids, she even got the twins gifts too. She got Rayne this custom-made shirt with a collage of pictures of her and Rayne it was so cute. My mom got her this bubble machine that she can play with in the backyard. I gave the twins to my mom and Nala while Damian and I got in the moon bounce with Rayne. She made a friend, the next door neighbor. Her name was sally, she was a cute little white girl. I loved the fact that her mom wasn't racist. Rayne and Sally were always holding hands. They have tea parties everyday when Sally come home from daycare. It was a great turn out we cleaned up as everybody was leaving. Damian mom wanted to get Rayne for the weekend since she had to work that day and didn't make it in time. Damian packed her bag and dropped her off to his mom. Cece and Nala went out for the night, my mom had the twins. She wanted them to sleep with her for the weekend since Rayne was gone. Every day since my mom been here Rayne never sleep in her own room, she only goes in there to play with her toys and take her naps.

Damian and I had a little bit of alone time, the house was quiet. I wasn't bleeding anymore but I still couldn't have sex just yet, but Damian ran me a bath and joined me. He always had candles lit we had a closet with candles only, so we never ran out. We were just relaxing for the night after we took a shower we got out and he lotion me down and massaged me from head to toe. I sucked his dick so he wouldn't be backed up I always keep sucking after he nut. He be going crazy, one time I thought he was going to punch me in my forehead. All he wanted to do was suck on my boobs. It felt so good I couldn't wait to ride his dick again in another two weeks or so. We fell asleep watching booty call on VH1. In the middle of the night I got up to check on the twins and my mom I was used to them being in the room with Damian and I. They were snuggled up under each other they always held each other hand while they slept. Mom was sleeping too. The whole weekend went like that it was peaceful, but I did miss my baby girl. We all went to church with Damian mom. She told my mom she missed her and took her out once churched was over. It was good for them to be close, they were more than just neighbors our moms built a friendship over the years it began when Nala first went M.I.A when her mom passed. I'm just glad none of our drama affected her.

Nala wedding was in a church not too far from the house. Damian was fine as hell, I made sure I let him know that everyday the same way he told me I was beautiful. "Babe are you ready" I asked him. "Yes love" we put the twins and Rayne in their car seats, I let mom sit up front with Damian because it was the twins feeding time, so I wanted to feed them before we went inside the church. Damian would be sitting with all of them while me and my mom helping Nala get ready to walk down the aisle. We planned on having an actual wedding in a few years. It was time! Nala and Cece loved that song by Eric Bennett and Tamia called Spend my life with you. That's the song Nala walked down the aisle too, I felt the water works coming. She looks so beautiful and Cece look beautiful as well. The reception was nice too, they shared a special dance and since she couldn't do the father and daughter dance with our bitch ass father, Cece uncle danced with her to make her happy. The glow was real inside of her she was smiling from ear to ear. The reception was over and Nala and Cece had a flight to catch they were going to Cancun for 4 days. We headed back home. Mom and Damian mom had a girl's weekend planned also, it was just Damian, me and the kids. All the kids were out like a light. I took the twins clothes off and put sleepers on them and Damian took Rayne out her clothes then put her night gown on and into her own bed this time. He told me to meet him down stairs. I got undress, took a shower and slipped on something more comfortable and went down stairs, there was Damian with rose peddles all over the living room. He played our song, and asked could he have this dance, we slow danced all night and ended up making love on the couch back to back. He had to go to work in the morning for 4 hours. For the first time I was home alone with the kids. It wasn't bad, Rayne just kept asking when her daddy was coming home. She was getting on my last nerve, so I face time him and just gave her the phone, Jaylin was in his chair, while Jayla was in her swing. For some reason they loved this damn baby shark song it drove me crazy, but it kept them quiet while I cleaned the house and made some lunch for Rayne and got her a snack. They weren't ready for snacks. After Rayne finished her snacks, I went in the living room, I would normally feed the twins together, but I needed a free hand because Rayne like to be chased and I had to keep an eye on her. Jaylin dried my left boob out, I put him back in his chair and picked Jayla up and put her on my right boob. She always wanted more so I had to get her a bottle afterwards, my right boob always seems to have less milk in it. My kids really kept me going. I had to wait for Damian to come back home before I could send out some packages, since Nala was gone I had to do it myself. All the kids were down for a nap, Damian walked through the door and with Kenny. I flipped out "Why is he here" I snapped on Damian. "Babe relax, he's hungry and homeless" he replied. "I don't give a damn if he was ashy and thirsty" I said. Damian said that him and Kenny ran into each other at the gas station, he looks horrible, he lost a lot of weight and he didn't even look like his self and when he went to wave at me, he was shaking. I wasn't a mean person, I just didn't want no shit around my kids.
Damian gave Kenny a bag full of clothes and shoes along with deodorant. He took Kenny back to his tent he was staying in. It's crazy because they were so close, and Damian would do anything for Kenny, but he let Taye get in his head. I would never let anything another person say turn me against Nala or have me that mad that I want to shoot her. Kenny have a son who need him I hope he get his life together. His parents died when he was just a kid, he use to always tell us how he been out here on his own his whole life and Damian took him under his wing. When he got back, he apologized and said he knew I would feel some type of way, but it was hurting him to see Kenny like that. I gave him a big kiss and told him I would be back. I headed to the post office I only had 6 packages for the day. I ran into that same fine ass man from the last time. "We meet again huh beautiful" he said, "Yea I guess so" I replied. "It's always good to see you gorgeous" he said. I put my head down and said "thanks" and kept it moving. That's the second time I seen him, and his ass was trying to flirt. Damian birthday was coming up I planned on having a surprise birthday party for him at the house with his mom help and my mom help. Plus, Christmas right after so we had to do some shopping for the kids but not just yet. It's thanksgiving and it's my first time cooking in my home for my family. Damian went out to get everything the night before. My mom was showing me how she made her turkey all those years. Rayne was in and out of the kitchen stealing marshmallow from the bag and I needed them for my yams. I had the fresh greens, the mash potatoes, the stuffing and the gravy going on the stove. The macaroni and cheese, yams and the turkey in the over. My mom was mixing the potato salad. Damian was mixing drinks. The twins are 4 months going on 5 months. They both are trying to lift their heads, but Jayla was lifting her head up before Jaylin. Damian mom, Nala, and Cece were all there too. We said our prayers and sat down to eat. My mom had Michael vase in the middle of the table, so he was there in spirit. The turn out of my first thanksgiving dinner was great.

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