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We filed a law suit against Katrina and won, Niema was our witness and she got arrested for what she did to that infant and what she did to Rayne and Jaylin. It took a few months for us to get everything we needed for our case. People don't understand you never win playing dirty and though I beat her ass on my porch the judge said I had good reason she harmed my children. Rayne started having nightmares about what Katrina had did to her. For the last few months, Jaylin had been breathing funny and he was fussing nonstop, and we spent two weeks in the hospital. She had been shaking Jaylin and we had no idea until we went back and looked at the video again of her covering his mouth, that day I turned the video off because I couldn't take looking at her trying to suffocate my only son. Damian seen it first and he called me down to the basement one night to look at the footage again he said he had a bad feeling and he felt like we missed something. At first, I told him I didn't want too but he said I needed to see it. I got upset and started crying I sat there and watched Katrina pick my son up and shake him repeatedly and then slam him on the couch multiple times and then put him back in his play pin like nothing had happened. I felt so heart broken and for a while I blamed Damian because I knew it wasn't a good idea to get a nanny and what if we didn't hire her sister too things could have gotten worse. Jaylin had to get surgery he was only 11 months going through all of that. As a mother I felt like shit because I couldn't take my baby pain away. I felt helpless and thought I failed as a mother like what do I do. When Niema seen the video, she started crying and said she felt bad because she would have never let that happen if she knew about the other infant she harmed beforehand.

Jaylin needed a breathing treatment every day. It became overwhelming because not only was Jayla attached but now Jaylin only wanted me and Damian but me more than him. He would go to Damian but would want me minutes after. We passed him back and forth through out the day. Jaylin would go to my mom and Nala sometimes. I was walking around with the twins on my hip. They were about to turn one and Rayne turning three. I watched him like a hawk when he slept, constantly putting my finger under his nose to make sure he was still breathing I spent many nights not sleeping just because I was so worried about him. The doctor said it shall pass but it would take awhile as long as we did everything we were suppose too; he would be fine. Denise was still on a killing spree she ran over some teenager with her car, broke both of her legs and then shot her in the face. I'm not sure why yuck mouth was killing all these young girls, but they need to find her soon. My birthday is tomorrow, and I don't want to do anything but stay home with my children. Jaylin wasn't feeling well he didn't want to eat anything, and he was just sleeping all day and he had a fever that was up and down. I kept him in my arms the entire day. Jayla was standing up now, she took two steps day before yesterday. Jaylin stands up but he falls right back down I don't know if it's because he's not feeling well that he not giving his all or he just simply not ready. Jayla was pulling on her dad beard and smacking his cheeks. My mom went back to NC to check on my grandmother she was living in her last days. I went to see her, and she wasn't doing so good. My mom said that grandma told her if she ever got sick because she has stage 4 cancer and she had to decide either to let her live and suffer or let her go and be at peace, my grandmother told me she wanted to be at peace. I know my mom is all over the place with all the people she been losing. They pulled the plug on my grandmother on my birthday. I spent the whole morning crying. The kids were down stairs with Nala and Cece they were taking a nap. I needed some alone time just to cry. I heard Damian coming up the steps. I didn't wipe my tears in time and even if I did that man can sense when something is wrong. "Baby come here" he said as he lifted me up off the bed to hug me. "What's wrong Nay?" he asked. "Nana died early this morning" I struggled to get that sentence out. "Oh no baby why you didn't call me I would have came home sooner. Come down stairs I have something to show you" he said. I told him give me a minute so I can freshen up because I didn't want the kids to see me like this. I came down stairs and I heard everybody in the kitchen. I walked in and Damian had roses all over the kitchen and balloons, A cake and cards from everybody. He got me a personal chef that was making breakfast for everybody and she will be making dinner for us too. I really didn't want to eat but I didn't want to seem ungrateful. Jayla was pinching me for me to pick her up. Jaylin was still sleeping. "Did anybody check to see if Jaylin was okay" I asked. "Yea he okay sis his fever went down a lot" Nala said. "Thank you." I called my mom, but she didn't answer, she didn't even send me a happy birthday text and it wasn't like her to not even call me. I was a little worried. "I got another surprise for you babe" Damian said as he grabbed me by the hand and led me to the front door. When he opened the door there was the van I wanted, a 2016 red dodge caravan. I kissed him so passionately, snatched the keys out his hand and ran to check out my new van with my robe on. I loved the smell of a brand new car. I drove it around the neighborhood a few times and came back in the house. Jaylin woke up but he was just laying around not wanting to do anything. He started to eat but it wasn't much. I felt a little better that he ate something and was drinking his milk. We all got ready for this meal that the chef had been preparing, it smelled so good in the house I was ready to eat. She made steak, shrimp, broccoli, and Cajun rice with this sauce for the steak. I had me a glass of champagne I needed it. A few minutes after we sat down to eat, my mom walked in the house. "Happy birthday lovebug" she said. "Thank you, mom, where have you been, I called you" I replied. She said that she used her time coming back here to grieve about my grandmother. She picked Rayne up first, then Jayla and when she went to pick Jaylin up, he pushed her hand away. "He didn't mean it mom he just been in his little mood all day." I said. "It's okay I just wanted to see how he was holding up" she said. We ate dinner and it was delicious. Damian walked the chef out and told her that he would be calling for more dinners. I cried that whole night I was under so much stress. Nala volunteered to keep an eye on Jaylin he was laying up under her on the couch, his fever went up again, but it wasn't as bad. I gave him his breathing treatment for the night. Rayne and Jayla slept with my mom. Damian got a massage table and set it up in our room and he rubbed me down from head to toe after we took a shower. It helped me sleep plus he held me all night it felt so good, normally he would roll over on me and I would catch an attitude. That night he let me sleep on his chest all night.

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