Vamsi another devil!

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It was already in the evening the couples wen t to their rooms to take the rest.King Sethu was in inside his room.He was deeply analyzing how come his room can caught in fire.

"I think I hurt a sound that hitting my fire lamp but I am not very sure about."He called his minister."Who do you think could have done this deed,Minister?"

"King I am really confused,I don't know who did it but all this years we never encountered something like this also the new bride maybe wants to take revenge on you because you kidnapped them on that night".He answered.

King realized it and said "But the two women don't talk to each other ,Minister"Raja replied.

"Hmm, thats what I also cannot understand."

Dang! Someone kicked the door.It was Vamsi with Seviyan .

With an angry face looking in fire he walked towards King Sethu.He went near him and hold King's neck. 'You said if I poisoned my uncle,I will get this throne and you will get the winning title but now???What you doing.came with your sons here to stay here.You think I don't know your plan to make Aagil as this kingdom's king and Amar as Mahismati king." He tighten his grab over King Sethu's neck.

Angry King Sethu kicked Vamsi harshly.He fall to the ground.He is more angry now.He croocked his eyebrows and look at the King.

"This is why you are fool Vamsi! See you are never gonna get this throne if you behave like this.My plan is not to destroy your dream but I just came here till my room is renovated."Raja explained.

Vamsi is not ready to listen anything.He kept saying that King cheated him.

"If I did not gave water mixed with poison to my uncle that day,You think your son Amar would defeat my uncle.He is one of the greatest warrior".

"Shut up stop saying that I ordered you to do that.If anyone from place hear this immediately they can prove us wrong and my sons will turn against me.Already Amar is in guilt for killing Vibshukovar if he knew I am the one behind he is going to become the worst son."

"So what you say,I want my coronation now! Don't late it.I just want to become Nilamkumbor King that too in front of you and your family."Vamsi said angrily.

"Okay whatever, we can have the coronation as fixed just like 10 days after marriage that is tomorrow."King Sethu seems to get agree to Vamsi.

"Can I believe you?Vamsi askd in confusion.

"Yes of course,you helped to kill my long years enemy Vibshukovar.I will definitely help you.

Vamsi then came out of the room in happiness.He was walking to his room and saw Amrutha was sitting is the King's chair."What is she doing in that chair"He said to himself.

He walked down the stairs and was heading to assembly hall.The hall with long red carpet at the centre with chairs along the side were all empty.He went near and saw Amrutha sitting in the big bright oranged golden chair.

"What you doing at this time in this chair?"

"Oh...hmm I was just curious to know how it feels"She said in smiles.

He gave a lustful look through her body and then to her lips.He pouted his lips to the left thinking how to get her.His sharp eyes are rolling all over her.

"Hmm sure,why not you can feel dear.Anytime".

"She again smiled with innocence but she doesnt know what this beast is upto.

He went behind her and was explaining about his uncle's mighty King chair.His eyes were again rolling on her upper bare back.He touched her shoulder lightly.She looked at him.He was slightly scared but didn't hesitated.She smiled.He was shocked.

She removed his hand and said "Not now"and smiled.He is till surprised with her attitude.He winked at her and said good night and left.

"Am I so good than Amar,this chicks seems like wants me,hmmm lucky da nee Vamsi".He said to himself.


Maybe this update is short but guys im coming up with another back to back later.

Sorry for not updating all this days was tooo busy to write.

Dont forget to check out my another story How Broken Am I ? 

You will never regret reading it.

Love TaraJane

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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